Saturn/ Sun Worshipping???


Creepiness Och Terrorism
Jun 10, 2008
Psychedelic Planet the illuminati&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wv#

Ok. I posted such thing in Opeth Sub-Forum but none was really interested.So I'm trying out here.
I've been digging for further information more point of views, to prove what this man says is wether correct or not ever since I found this video (about 2 months now). The most important part is the religious one. The idea of Saturn is the root of the three mainstream religions (Judaism, Christianity and then Islam).
I found out that there are some stuff that he misrepresented to make it blend in what he says. Example, the black square of Mecca (the biggest Muslim gathering to worship God) is a symbol of Saturn, thus, Muslims still worship Saturn, that's what he says. But, Mecca never had a black color, that gown (or whatever you call it) was designed by Turkish after 9th century.So, that place has nothing to do with Saturn worshipping.
The things he said about Jesus=Sun is quite important and it makes sense to me, unless he misrepresented it as well. The sun was talked about as God Sun in the bible metaphorically and mentioned to as Jesus Christ. Well, the way that Koran ( Islamic holy book) talked about Jesus Christ is quite different to the one on the bible, so what JM says doesn't fit with it.
Besides, I think JM thinks that English was the only language back then. ok, I know that most of languages have a common roots but some stuff don't make sense at all of what he says, like Son of God was meant to be SUN ov God. What about other languages like hebrew or arabic.
The Illuminati part actually makes sense i think.
Anyways. Just give it 3 hours of watching coz i think it's worth it. I would like to know what you think about it, and I'm glad to know what you KNOW about it.
I dont have time for your vid but I think I already saw a program on this if not the same. It the idea that current religions stem from even more ancient and abandoned beliefs. That all makes sence to me as most all beliefs were passed down by word of mouth and were expanded or evolved. I dont think it got sticky until it was finally written in text. It seems for the most part that was the end of the evolution process in which man sought to explain the unexplainable meaning of life.
The evolution conclusion is the most plausible to me. I think religions evolved out of even older myths. Parts of Christianity and Judaism come from Greek and Egyptian "myths" and I wouldn't be surprised if Islam contained traces of extinct Arab beliefs.
You do have a point. And seeing as you're from Tunisia I can't really argue unless I learn Arabic and read the Koran. Judaism is in a lot of ways like Greek and Egyptian myths except changing a bunch of Gods to one God. Satan is pretty much Prometheus and the Satir, the story in the garden of eden was modeled after Pandoras box (also the devil being a snake was modeled after Apep who was the enemy of the Gods in egyptian mythology and was a snake), and the war in heaven is modeled after the young gods against the titans and cronus. The only difference is the young gods in Judaism (satan with all the angels he brought on his side) lose to the older gods (aka god) but in Greek mythology the young gods win and take over the heavens, but the connecting strings are very easy to see.
Yeah exactly, it's like another version of those myths.In Koran, it says that Judaism and Christianity aren't the correct version of what God said, I mean, like, Jesus never been crucified and so on. I think the only way to prove whether such things are real or not is taking the scientific aspects of them and try to prove them wrong or right (Like in Koran, loads of stuff were spoken about in science which human discovered lately. exp; the sun beats.)
I would rather read it the way it was written. There are some things you just can't carry from one language to another.