

Jan 30, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
For various reasons: Anders Ro Nielson, Tais Pedersen, Peter Poulson and Nikolaj Borg have left the band. Saturnus now consists of founding members--Thomas A.G. Nielson and Brian Hanson. Also, guitarist Rune Stiassny is now a member. Future members and concert dates will be announced soon. WoW, Saturnus OUCH!!!:erk:
I wish the best to all involved. And I'm certain you would agree Paul, some things are too personal to be revealed. As the way it should be,man.
I read this too the other day.
Sad news indeed.
Either way, can't wait for some new Saturnus material.

Also, thanks for Novembers Doom who first made me aware of this band from when they toured with them in Europe.
Don't take this as news by any means, but as you know by the news statement, Thomas, original bassist Brian (who replaced Lennart) and new guitarist Rune will continue under the Saturnus name, and Tais, Nik, Peter, and Anders will most likely continue under a new name. I'm fully expecting good things from both sides! They are ALL good friends of ours in ND, as we have spent many crazy days together, and we obviously wish them ALL the best!
Paul as Long as Thomas is at the helm we will always have that SATURNUS sound i think! yes i heard both sides of the story ..and the other guys will be carry on under a new name and band very soon....


and the fact that Thomas is wearing my bands shirt always rules too!!
We played with the "new" line up of "Sathomas" in Spain, and I can safely say, all is well. Close your eyes, and it's hard to tell the difference. Of COURSE you'll hear some differences in the guitar inflections and such, Peter was so distinct. They also played a brand new song, and it was pure Saturnus.