Sauna Open Air Thread! Please post stories & pics here


1 girl in her cups
May 5, 2003
East Bumblefuck
I know, there's already a thread 'bout the festival in the Finnish discussion, but since (unfortunately, hehe) not everyone in here speaks Finnish (I GOTTA LEARN THAT LANGUAGE......perrrrrkele!)....I thought why not also start one here.

Some SOA pics (yep, I searched the Finnish thread for pics, :lol: ) can be found here:
I had fun there :kickass: .
I think cob played well, but unfortunately I was surrounded by tall people so I
didnt see almost anything. I got few pics too but they suck because I didnt find the zoom from my camera (until now, of course). The new song sounded a bit like Stone I think, but thats only a good thing :loco:
Nightwish and Diablo were good too, and Tarot and Lordi... ok, I was a bit drunk, but not nearly as much as Martti, for what I`ve read here :p