
24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
I hope Glenn doesn't mind me doing this, but desperate times call for desperate measures!

Does anyone have an XL Savatage Tee they'd be willing to sell me? I got my ass kicked on ebay this weekend bidding on three different ones. :erk: Since the band hasn't toured since God knows when, I haven't been able to land a Savatage tee to wear to shows. If you have one from any era, any album, any tour, etc......I'm not picky, please send me a PM.


Welcome to my world... I've been trying to buy ANY Sava shirt for the past years, and those on ebay always go beyond the 40 dollars mark... It's just amazing how these fans are die-hard!!! I'll take a large or medium, anyone... LOL
I was in the hunt for a while so you could imagine how ecstatic I was when I found online an original Hall of the Mountain King L shortsleeve and it was only $30. I was giggling like a school girl when I received it.
damn... if I'd known these shirts were going to be so hard to come by, I would have bought about ten of them last time the band toured. They had some sweet Sirens ones then.