W.M.D. said:I think that this show is just something those guys just wanted to do.
Damond Ninjya ?, Al pitrelli and Jeff Plate are also in Savatage but won't be attending.
Like it says in the press statement it's "members" of Savatage,.. not just Savatage.
Oliva said it's hard getting everyone's schedules together, especially with all the side projects, current Savatage and Zak's band, etc. Which shows how rare this show really is.
They are a very busy bunch of musicians, between Jon's solo record 2004, Caffery's Solo record 2004, Zak's Solo record 2004, Savatage's next record 2005 and the next TSO 2005 your talking 5 full blown record releases in the next 2 years!!
Talent like that doesn't come along everyday i'm just glad we get to see the show not the europeans...hehe
......although I'm European so I have to strongly disagree with your last sentence!!