

Jul 8, 2016
Anyone else like these guys? I picked up 'Hall of the Mountain King' and been playing it fairly solidly. Great musicianship, especially the guitar work, the album is from 1987. Anyone suggest anything else by these guys?
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Whole catalog (maybe except Fight for the Rock) is solid. Ghost in the Ruins live album is my personal fave.
They're one of the best power metal bands ever in my opinion, Jon Oliva is a vocal tour de force, and the guitar playing is out of this world at times.
Thanks guys, good to see other fans of this band as well. 'Hall of the Mountain King' came out the same year as Helloweens' 'Keeper of the Seven Keys pt. 1' and I'm at a loss of which is the better album. But, so far, I'd say 'Hall' beats it.
Hey, if that's a photo of you on your avatar, I must say, you've done a good job making yourself look like Johnny Ramone.
I've been told that (The Johnny Ramone comment) but it's just the way my hair grows out. It doesn't look good all one length because it gets in my face and looks terrible, so I manipulate it into bangs mostly for that reason to keep the hair out of my face. I didn't really have Johnny Ramone in mind, moreso old school Bruce Dickinson or Karl Logan of Manowar fame (just a couple of metal stars with the banged appearance). Punk really isn't my bag as much as metal but I do like some Ramones songs.
Ah, gotcha it does look like older Bruce, but it also looks a lot like Johnny, especially with the leather jacket. I like a lot of punk in addition to the metal I like.
A friend yesterday did some "therapy" to get me into them. He recommended me a couple of Zak era albums (I can't stand Oliva's voice), and I'm listening to "Edge Of Thorns" now but so far nothing to make me go and buy it.
Criss Oliva was really the first guitarist that ever made me want to listen to him playing.
I think all Savatage is great but Sirens/Dungeons Are Calling pack a great one-two punch