Save the last Bullet...


Mr. Nasty
Dec 16, 2001
The 7th Cornice
God I hate "Save the Last Dance". My housemates (all girls) just got a copy on video, and have watched it on loop for the last four days continuously.

How can one film manage to combine so many crap things all at once? I'd never have thought it possible 'till now.

I can't stand films about African-Americans bitching at each other, I can't stand American gang movies, I can't stand Rap, and I can't stand dancing. Oh, and I can't stand love stories (unless its a real sub-plot), and I hate movies about racial differences, and I really don't much care for movies with inevitable endings.

Anything I missed? It's not my least favourite, though... that title goes to "ET". I can't bear kids, bad puppets, Spielburg, and 'Generic-Family-Movie-where-kid-saves-the-day-and-learns-something-along-the-way' movies.

[/rant off]
we're waiting till we get chance to whatch the box set of nightmare on elm street 1 -5, plus a new nightmare, and freddys dead.

damn these early mornings.. send us too sleep too early!
I go for Epic, superbly Directed, thoughtful, brooding, dark - Sci-Fi.

Wanna guess what my fav film is? Well, it's Bladerunner.

Most things with Ridley Scott involved, perhaps Tim Burton, and certainly Kubrick.
Blade Runner Is Fantastic.

Tim Burton??? Did he direct Beetlejuice? Not the best example, but i DO love that film! The remake of planet of the apes was good, though no where NEAR as good as the original.

Kubrick? Clockwork Orange is one of my fave films ever, and then theres THE ONE.



