Cannibal Corpse, Live in New Orleans! Sort of...


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Here's a little humour from our old friend, the Reverend Randall Robinson, well-known race-baiter, riot-starter, and home-grown terrorist.

It is reported that black hurricane victims in New Orleans have begun eating corpses to survive.

I can't help it. I'm sorry, but I can't help but make this overtly racist joke:

"Four days without KFC, and the brothas diets are over: old ladies legs, anyone?"

Considering arch-racists Randall Robinson inspired this joke, I don't feel bad.

Four days after the storm, thousands of blacks in New Orleans are dying like dogs. No-one has come to help them.

Least of all, the African-American hate-mongers who make millions bilking American companies that employ millions of African Americans.

I am a sixty-four year old African-American. New Orleans marks the end of the America I strove for. I am hopeless. I am sad. I am angry against my country for doing nothing when it mattered.

Mark that, a black mayor did nothing to evacuate his black citizens. A black mayor let the school buses drown instead of sending them out to save his "own" people.

This is what we have come to. This defining watershed moment in America's racial history. For all the world to witness. For those who've been caused to listen for a lifetime to America's ceaseless hollow bleats about democracy. For Christians, Jews and Muslims at home and abroad. For rich and poor. For African-American soldiers fighting in Iraq. For African-Americans inside the halls of officialdom and out.

Yeah, those African Americans in Iraq! So, when are "those people" gonna use the tanks and guns and poison gas in their hands and overthrow this tyrannical government so people like Randall Robinson can begin implementing REAL justice?

My hand shakes with anger as I write.

Probably Parkinson's, brought on by being beaten in the Watts Riots in 1965.

I, the formerly un-jaundiced human rights advocate, have finally come to see my country for what it really is. A monstrous fraud.

Formerly Un-jaundiced?? Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin... You mean, he's against civil rights for Asians?! RACIST! :D

But what can I do but write about how I feel.

Is that supposed to be a real sentence from a writer?

How millions, black like me, must feel at this, the lowest moment in my country's story.

He's kinda light-skinned. The Somali niggas can't dig that sentence.

Ok, here's the best part:

RETRACTION: The claim in the first sentence in my post was incorrect. I had been told this was happening, but these claims have turned out to be unsubstantiated. I therefore retract them -- but stand behind everything else I wrote without reservation.

He had been told this was happening.

He went out of his way to report that HIS PEOPLE were consuming drowned corpses... FOUR days after the hurricane.

And all he has to say that it turns out to be unsubstantiated?

What is this man's muthafuckin line of thought?

First thing I thought, like any man with a functioning brain, is that its the dumbest thing I ever heard. But supposing someone without a brain, such as a liberal, read this?

I'd imagine that the liberal, with his inate lack of respect for the poor and the black, would immediately have visions of jungle tribes beating drums and jumping around fires, stirring a pot with some explorer or other tribesman in it.

Thank you, Rev. Randall Robinson. Thank you for making us all think that Blacks, even African-Americans, cannot help but revert to their ancient savage cannibal ways, swinging from trees, beating coconuts over their heads!

Its so nice that this educated man is one of today's top African-American civil rights leaders!

blah blah blah african american this african american that.

fuck em, im sick of hearing these my pals bitch about no one coming to save them in new orleans BECAUSE theyre black. im sure that all the white people that have lost everything and are doing back strokes in raw sewage are living it up like kings enjoying their all you can eat diarriha buffet. i have a lot more to say on this subject, but im sure between everyone else on this board, all my thoughts will be covered.

next time build a city above sea level, idiots.
gaschamber said:
blah blah blah african american this african american that.

fuck em, im sick of hearing these my pals bitch about no one coming to save them in new orleans BECAUSE theyre black. im sure that all the white people that have lost everything and are doing back strokes in raw sewage are living it up like kings enjoying their all you can eat diarriha buffet. i have a lot more to say on this subject, but im sure between everyone else on this board, all my thoughts will be covered.

next time build a city above sea level, idiots.

2 days before the storm hit,all the white people left, the blacks CHOOSE to stay. Stupidity at its finest. While I dont wish shit like that on people, no matter what race they are, they deserve it. Now they cant wait to clean up the city, and start rebuilding. More stupidity. Every house that has been water logged is going to fall down after all the water is gone, and there is going to be dead shit every where.
How about this for stupidity, they are pumping all the nasty water into the lake (dont remember the name) on the outskirts of the city. I wonder how long it will take for every living thing in there to die from all the pollution?
I can't really comment on the disorder down there. Once disorder happens, anything else can happen.

My beef is with the so-called Civil Rights Activist, Randall Robinson.

If I were black, I would hunt down this filthy animal for making the world think that the African American's first reaction to a crisis is to don a fuckin grass skirt and consume human flesh like a mindless beast.

On his website, there were many postings of people who were outraged by his cannibalism statement, but there were other who justified it, as though it were possible.

One brainless bitch wrote "How can George Bush allow Americans to eat one another?" and some other faggit wrote "Some people say its impossible to eat people after only four days without food, but what about the sick and elderly?" How fucking retarded does someone have to be to say that?

I'm not worried about civilisation when I see utter chaos in New Orleans.

Its this constant brainless lunacy that the leftist bolshevik liberals and their cohorts spread around that truly terrifies me.

Only one thing to do. Hunt this nigga down and smoke him! And then feed him to starving old people in the Big Easy. He lives in St. Kitts, so it can't be hard to fly a charter plane there, execute him in his living room, and then fly back for tea.

"Its this constant brainless lunacy that the leftist bolshevik liberals and their cohorts spread around that truly terrifies me."

Why does everything have to come back to someone being leftist? Can't you just look at the statement for what it is without falling back on the "why don't we kill that goddamn liberal faggot" line?
beyondterror said:
Why does everything have to come back to someone being leftist? Can't you just look at the statement for what it is without falling back on the "why don't we kill that goddamn liberal faggot" line?

NO! Don't give me that Bhavagat Gita bullshit!

Its never about a statement, its always about who says it! If a conservative says something and a liberal says the exact same thing, they will mean entirely different things.

In this case, its about a radical leftist black hate-monger who wants race riots to cap his assault on George W on the basis that he did nothing to help blacks, even though the so-called progressives are the ones who have enslaved blacks in the neverending cycle of dependency.

Jurched said:
NO! Don't give me that Bhavagat Gita bullshit!

Its never about a statement, its always about who says it! If a conservative says something and a liberal says the exact same thing, they will mean entirely different things.

In this case, its about a radical leftist black hate-monger who wants race riots to cap his assault on George W on the basis that he did nothing to help blacks, even though the so-called progressives are the ones who have enslaved blacks in the neverending cycle of dependency.


Preach that shit...
I mostly feel bad for the animals and pets abandon by these people. If you can't afford to drive, catch a bus or walk out of town how the fuck can you support and care for a feline or canine??