The Black Nationalist


Apr 17, 2005
Of all political organizations, these guys express what is closest to my views on purely political topics (cultural, eugenic, environmental and moral topics are not defined exactly by politics).


Black Nationalism in the United States: the set of beliefs or political theory that African Americans should maintain social, economic, and political institutions separate and distinct from those of whites.

Black Nationalism, also known as black separatism, is a complex set of beliefs emphasizing the need for the cultural, political, and economic separation of African Americans from white society. Comparatively few African Americans have embraced thoroughgoing separatist philosophies. In his classic study Negro Thought in America , 1880-1915, August Meier noted that the general black attitude has been one of "essential ambivalence." On the other hand, nationalist assumptions inform the daily actions and choices of many African Americans.


It seems to me every group should be willing to undertake such self-preservationist measures; only culture can oppose globalism and capitalism.