Integration has failed

Patrick R. said:
Urban/Suburban? Wow...I went to school in New York but I was down in Rock Hill etc but they never had anything like that. So they denied a white person that was poor the opportunity for a better education? That in itself is racism. The thing is people in New York now affirmative action is nothing but horse shit but they would rather not tackle that issue, it would be easy to get the New Yorkers to go against it though once they were more vocal about it.
Not to sound racist, but in the New York suburbs, Long Island especially, going against affirmitive action is like washing yourself with meat, bathing in steak sauce, and jumping into a pit of rabid wolves. Except instead of wolves, you'd have a bunch of angry black people calling you a racist and a bigot, bent on white supremacy. And these were the exact words that were directed towards me whn we talked about it one day in my American History class last year. I'm sure alot of New Yorkers would agree with you Patrick, but there would be ALOT more people angry about such a remark, than supportive.
fah-q said:
This was in Upstate NY. For a good long while, the girl was taken out of the suburban school. After a some legal wrangling between the school district and the city, she was allowed back. The damage was already done though. There was even a black city counselman who stated that she was taking away an opportunity meant for a black child. You are right, it was racist but, when it is black on white, we are programmed to tolerate it. That is why integration is failing.
Is there any more information about this that I could find somewhere? Because now I'm really interested in the facts behind this incident.
Patrick R. said:
Do you live in a town with many different races? If so you must be able to see that humans are to primitive to except one another. The politicians that push for integration know that very well, but because of their hypocrisy they save that for the average Joe while they live in white neighborhoods.

I live in a major city with many different races, and frankly, I don't see that. My neighborhood is mostly white. However, there are a few Asian families on my block, and one Hispanic and one Arab (that I'm aware of.) No problems whatsoever have come of this. Having had extensive interactions with many different ethnic groups in the course of my life as a result of having grown up in this city, nothing in my personal experience suggests to me that your ongoing claim of categorical racial animosity has any foundation whatsoever.
A Dying Breed said:
I live in a major city with many different races, and frankly, I don't see that. My neighborhood is mostly white. However, there are a few Asian families on my block, and one Hispanic and one Arab (that I'm aware of.) No problems whatsoever have come of this. Having had extensive interactions with many different ethnic groups in the course of my life as a result of having grown up in this city, nothing in my personal experience suggests to me that your ongoing claim of categorical racial animosity has any foundation whatsoever.

You are right, I just watched save the last dance and now I see everything more clear. I have been reading some modern academia and I see their is no race...'race' was created by evil white racist. :lol:
Patrick R. said:
You are right, I just watched save the last dance and now I see everything more clear. I have been reading some modern academia and I see their is no race...'race' was created by evil white racist. :lol:

You're a fucking genius. Here's why.

A. Nowhere have I claimed race doesn't exist.
B. Nowhere have I claimed there are no differences between races.

Work on your reading comprehension and spare us the comedy routine.
A Dying Breed said:
You're a fucking genius. Here's why.

A. Nowhere have I claimed race doesn't exist.
B. Nowhere have I claimed there are no differences between races.

Work on your reading comprehension and spare us the comedy routine.

Well that's funny...I don't remember saying that you did claim race doesn't exist. :OMG:
Nikotiini said:
I realize this may sound idiotic, but maybe it's culture and genetics. Almost all black people (I do not refer to them as african americans... they did NOT immigrate from Africa, they were born here... so they are BLACK.) have the same customs ( dialect/attitude/rap-hip hop image). So maybe they are just born to be inferior to the white person and to other races as well.

Not idiotic at all in my estimation. It is absolutely cultural as well as genetic. It is probably best to avoid the 'inferior' designation of course, as that presumes too much and carries very negative connotations. Blacks, for instance are indeed better than Whites at a variety of physical pursuits. Intellectual capacity, behavioral predilection and the like are another issue entirely. Many will continue to fanatically deny this no matter how obvious the answer to this great acedemic "achievement-gap mystery" really is. Better for all the so-called experts to either scratch their collective heads or concoct preposterous "Post-Slavery Disorder" rationales to ensure that their paychecks continue to clear. The machine must be fed after all...
Ptah Khnemu said:
Not to sound racist, but in the New York suburbs, Long Island especially, going against affirmitive action is like washing yourself with meat, bathing in steak sauce, and jumping into a pit of rabid wolves. Except instead of wolves, you'd have a bunch of angry black people calling you a racist and a bigot, bent on white supremacy. And these were the exact words that were directed towards me whn we talked about it one day in my American History class last year. I'm sure alot of New Yorkers would agree with you Patrick, but there would be ALOT more people angry about such a remark, than supportive.

Is there any more information about this that I could find somewhere? Because now I'm really interested in the facts behind this incident.
Here is a link for you...
It would appear that my memory on the situation was not as good as I thought. The basic facts are the same though.
fah-q said:
Here is a link for you...
It would appear that my memory on the situation was not as good as I thought. The basic facts are the same though.
Thanks for the link. So it was another Affirmitive Action program. Well if I was forced to choose sides, I'd still side with the family, because Affirmitive Action cases, imo, usually are unfair to people who actually deserve a position of some sort, but get denied that position, just because of their race.

Now that I think about it, has Affirmitive Action ever worked in favor of white people? I'm trying to think of some instance where that's happened, but I'm drawing a blank.
Ptah Khnemu said:
Thanks for the link. So it was another Affirmitive Action program. Well if I was forced to choose sides, I'd still side with the family, because Affirmitive Action cases, imo, usually are unfair to people who actually deserve a position of some sort, but get denied that position, just because of their race.

Now that I think about it, has Affirmitive Action ever worked in favor of white people? I'm trying to think of some instance where that's happened, but I'm drawing a blank.

Why because of Affirmative Action, we whites have benefitted from a multi-cultural and diverse workforce! Plus, the added benefit of working for grossly unqualified bosses, with far inferior intelligence! This only serves to make a white person work harder, and become more competitive.

Anyone see The Departed yet? Jack Nicholson has a wonderful line in the first minute of the movie, something (paraphrasing here--and I hate quoting movies, but this is Scorsese, and damn good) like "Thats the problem I have with my pals, they expect someone to give it to em'. You never going to get ahead in this country unless you take it for yourself."
hmmm I'm not so sure I would agree with that quote.

If you are born into a poor society with poor resources for education, so there is little chance of you being able to escape your situation.. you're fucked, so to speak. I don't agree with saying if they wanted it bad enough, they would chance it. In some situations, you just can't.
Rozenrot said:
hmmm I'm not so sure I would agree with that quote.

If you are born into a poor society with poor resources for education, so there is little chance of you being able to escape your situation.. you're fucked, so to speak. I don't agree with saying if they wanted it bad enough, they would chance it. In some situations, you just can't.
I completely disagree with the whole "product of your environment" view. Your determination to succeed and actions are what define you, not your surroundings. Life is about choices, not inability to overcome alleged hardship or an uneven playing field. Everyone is born into a situation that could be considered enviable by someone else. It is what we do with what we are given that seperates the successes from the failures.
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Rozenrot said:
hmmm I'm not so sure I would agree with that quote.

If you are born into a poor society with poor resources for education, so there is little chance of you being able to escape your situation.. you're fucked, so to speak. I don't agree with saying if they wanted it bad enough, they would chance it. In some situations, you just can't.

The quote's applicable for America, but not the third world.
fah-q said:
I completely disagree with the whole "product of your environment" view. Your determination to succeed and actions are what define you, not your surroundings. Life is about choices, not inability to overcome alleged hardship or an uneven playing field. Everyone is born into a situation that could be considered enviable by someone else. It is what we do with what we are given that seperates the successes from the failures.

That is right by all means. If you are in a hole you can get yourself out. If you aren't lazy you can build the skills you need in life to get a good paying job, you don't have to be rich, but you can be a man with enough money to feed your wife and kids.