Saw Cryptopsy tonight.

Starless Dragon

Beneath The Starless Sky
Aug 12, 2004
Asscrappy Texas
All you technical/brutal death fans owe it too yourself to see this show! ...Unless you don't like the band, lol. Anyway, it was pretty amazing. Here's the recap if anyone cares.

I saw Cryptopsy tonight in Dallas, and all I have to say is this:


One of the best show's I've been too, and I have to say I consider Flo one of the best drummers in metal. That man is unbelievable. To say nothing of the near godlike abilities of the rest of the band and the welcome return of Lord Worm's killer vocals. He really breathes new life into the Disalvo era stuff.

Set list:

Crown Of Horns
Slit Your Guts
Graves Of The Fathers
Dead and Dripping
Benedictine Convulsions
Orgiastic Disembowlment

Drum Solo

Open Face Surgery
Cold Hate Warm Blood
We Bleed


Back To The Worms

As you can probably tell, it was an amazing show. They played all of None So Vile, in order, start to finish, which was awesome. During Orgiastic, Worm was whipping himself with his mic cord on the back, chest, and groin, lmao. Then during the encore he came out with a chalice, and was letting people drink from it. Hell yeah.

Flo's solo was even better then I expected, it put his "None So Live" solo to shame, and was perhaps the best drumming I've ever seen, and I've been to a lot of shows, metal and non metal. Incredible stuff.

I saw them in a tiny little club, only held a max of 230 people, it was long and narrow with a tiny, short stage, less then hip-high. Worm was grabbing peoples heads and stuff.

After the show the guys came out and stood around the Merch table, which was really cool, I got to meet them and got them to sign my Canada Live 2004 CD. They're all really cool guys, much like our friends in Vehemence.

Oh yeah. I'm pretty worn out right now so I might have mixed up the order on the last few songs or left something out, so if you got any questions, lemme know.
Well they have a DVD out right now, but at the moment it's only available on tour. I just bought it last night at the merchandise stand, it's the one I got signed. I honestly don't know if they'll be releasing it commercially after the tour, or maybe just selling leftover copies on the website. I'd heard that it was only going to be for sale during the tour and not afterward, so I made sure to get a copy while I could. They may be releasing another DVD or a more elaborate version later on or something, aside from Flo's drumming DVD. The set list for the one I picked up last night is pretty much the same as the show I saw, minus Open Face Surgery.
I just saw them tonight. Perhaps the best live band I've ever seen. Lord Worm fed me a live worm out of his challace :grin:
My buddy had a bottle of water so once I had it in my mouth I washed it down like a pill. Wasn't too gross though, just had a nice crunch!
Hey Starless, what up man.....yeah I was at that show too. I didn't see ya in the club, the place was so dark and my eyes really suck these days.

Fuck yeah, that was easily one of the best shows I've ever seen. I've seen Cryptopsy 5 times, and that was easily the best time they've ever played. Lord Worm on vocals and the entire "None so vile" setlist made my night cumplete.
You were? Yeah, I didn't see you either which was weird cause it was a SMALL club. I think that was the smallest club I've seen a national/international band in, even smaller then Club Indigo. But yeah, it was reeeeally dark lol. I was sorta up near the front and to the right. For the first three bands I just sorta leaned against the wall talking with my friend Eric, then when Cryptopsy came on I got up pretty close to the stage, one or two people back, on the far right side.

Wow, you've seen them 5 times? That's badass, that was my first time. Sounds like it was a good first show to catch, I was pretty blown away.

Are you going to any shows in the Future? I want to go see the California Guitar Trio on April 6th, not metal, but excellent guitarists, and I kind of want to see Black Label Society, but don't know if I'll make it. I'm going to go to the Kreator/Vader show, and then to the King Diamond/Nile/Behemoth show too.
I saw them 3 times on this tour in Canada with Lord Worm. It also turns out our new drummer is friends with Flo, he met him when he was much younger and played his first show with Cryptopsy on their Blasphemy Made Flesh tour! So...we'll be sharing the stage with them next time they come back here... Sharing the stage with probably my favourite band... now that blows my mind.