Saxon 2003

Quite a few people I would wager :D

Infact, I think it would be a really great idea to have a few of the bands back from 01 like Blaze, Orange Goblin, Area54 and Deeds.

I'm also really happy that the festival is going to be held over two days next time. MORE METAL is always a good idea ;)
I agree with Lukara...I think Saxon would be popular again...possibly as Friday night headliners? There has been some suggestions that this could be a Brit metal night on the board so this would fit well possibly? I for one would love to see them with the Eagle rig etc. I think I'll have to go and listen to Crusader now! :D

The Dragon Maiden
Saxon woud be an awesome Friday Night headliner. If the friday could be a made into true British metal night it would be good to get Deeds and Blaze back from Bloodstock01 and possibly give Seven Deadly Sins a slot too.
Originally posted by Eagle
Saxon woud be an awesome Friday Night headliner. If the friday could be a made into true British metal night it would be good to get Deeds and Blaze back from Bloodstock01 and possibly give Seven Deadly Sins a slot too.
Agree completely about Seven Deadly Sins. Would love to see them at Bloodstock, and they certainly deserve to be there. Can't fault Deeds or Blaze as other band suggestions, either. As for Saxon, yes, I'd go to see them (with or without the eagle), but I didn't think they were great headliners in '01, so I'd suggest someone else for the main Saturday headline act. They were stunning at The Mean Fiddler, but don't seem so good in larger venues (Bloodstock and Brixton Academy, for example)
I would be disappointed if Saxon headlined. They didn't do a good job of it in 2001 imo. It would be nice if Sabbat could headline the first night, so that there wasn't a clash between them and the main stage headliners on the saturday.
from a totally unbiased non prejudice perspective why not have the following formula:

Friday Night - British Metal with Saxon headlining!

Darwin Suite - Death/Thrash with Children Of Bodom headlining!

Mainstage - Power Metal with Gamma Ray headlining!
Sounds gr8 to me, but in by biased opinion i think that the death/thrash metal on the main stage with CoB headlining! As the power metal sort of dominated the main stage at bloodstock 02.

Most of the people i talked to arent that bothered about the stage arrangements as long as they get 1) a mosh pit 2) quality live music 3) get reasonably close to the stage. :headbang: