Saxon in Costa Rica?

GONE Ridin' Hood

Jul 8, 2005
Well, it all started when Motorhead was supposed to come, but, as everyone knows, they cancelled their Latin American Tour *curses* :cry: . Apparently it was because they wanted to spend time with their families or something *cough cough*.

Anyway, because Motorhead cancelled, we'll be getting 3 great bands apparently: Stratovarius, After Forever and Saxon!!!


Notice that it is not certain if this will happen, but I'm sure it will.

So, what I wanted to say, is that I would really like to see Saxon live!

So PLEASE come to Costa Rica!!!

We're waiting for you!!!

PS: Also, nice to post here for the first time, hope we can all be jolly fellas hehe. I just discovered this phorum, and I''ll try to post here everytime I can.
