Saxon live at Nottingham single.


Sep 10, 2002
A stranger in a strange land!
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I was looking at amazon and according to them, Saxon are releasing a single 'Live at Nottingham' on 7th April. It didn't say what the tracks are.

What's all this about? I can only assume it was recorded on the Killing ground tour last year. If it is true about this release, how comes it doesn't say anything on here? Mind you, it wouldn't be the first time releases have been announced elsewhere before they are announced on the bands own official website.
I believe this to be "Mickey Mouse" Saxon.

As according to they have an album out 10-03-03 is this a coincidence I don' t think so. Quite frankly the marketing is appalling, if anyone can get the words Oliver and Dawson any smaller above the Saxon (eagle)logo they could probably get a job with "Mickey Mouse" Saxons PR Dept.
On another note - we only inform you of OFFICIAL releases by SAXON. We cannot report on every CD put out by tinpot outfits - there are 100's of them, and also a number of older releases and compilations are being released by O/D Saxon, i.e:

Coming to the Rescue
Live at Donington
Diamonds and Nuggets

We erroneously reported on the Coming to the Rescue CD and were soon slapped by Biff !!!!!

Now Classic Rock Legends are at it with revamping the Greatest hits Live package as Live in Nottingham!!

seems they all wanna cash in on Saxon's resurgence.

Please do not blame us if a release is not listed here for this very reason.

SIMILARLY - I cannot report gigs until I have them confirmed by Saxon's agent! Venues and Promoters always jump the gun by putting it out weeks before contracts are signed etc. and you all moan about not hearing it here first! Well thats because when it is announced here you damn well know that it is SAXON and the gig is going to 100% happen. RMC

So the DVD I just purchased is no an official Saxon release? Saxon have not sanctioned the release of this DVD? That sucks! Some asshole is making money off of Saxon? That really SUCKS!

It's a really good concert DVD too.:mad: