Saxon NYC gig is cancelled!


Feb 9, 2003
Swamps of Jersey
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Hello, this is Ticketmaster Customer Service with an important alert for your upcoming event. Saxon, scheduled at BB King Blues Club and Grill on Tuesday November 1, 2005, at 8:00 PM, has been cancelled.

Your credit card will automatically be credited the ticket price and convenience charges, and should post to your account within 7 to 10 business days. Please note, the $3.25 per order processing fee and any ticketFast or UPS delivery charges are non-refundable.
This BLOWS! I got the same email.This is the second time Saxon done this shit to me (ok,not only me).A few years ago,they were supposed to play in N.J. at a place called Obessions.I had tickets and got the dreaded "ticketmaster email".At that time they couldn't get a visa.WHAT THE HELL IS THE PROBLEM NOW? Not only do we not get a chance to see Saxon,Ticketscalper,I mean Ticketmaster keeps some of our money! WTF?
I just called B.B. King's.I was told that tickets were selling pretty good.They don't know why Saxon backed out.
Any Saxon fans that also like Y & T? If so,Y & T are playing in Clifton N.J. on Sat. 10/01 at a place called Dingbatz.Check out for details.I'm a fan of both these bands.Hopefully,Saxon will still play here soon.
I feel your pain - you must all be totally gutted. There's nothing worse than being hyped up for a concert only to find out its been cancelled. Like what happened to me a few months back when I went to see Blackfoot, got as far as the venue only to be told that the concert had been pulled at the last minute. That was a horrendous experience but Blackfoot are not anywhere near my favourite band, so if it was like Saxon that was to be cancelled, I would probably top myself or throw myself into the Clyde I'd be that devastated!!!!

If you're a Krokus fan this might cheer you up a wee bit cos Krokus are touring the US in October. Check Krokus offiicial site to see if they're playing near you. They're about to announce some European dates, so just sitting here praying that they come to Glasgow - would be superb to see them again. They rock but not as much as Saxon right enough!!!!