SAXON - Special Edition Reissues Feb.2006


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Steamhammer/SPV will release special edition reissues of SAXON classics Lionheart (2004) and Dogs Of War (1995) on February 21st. Each title will feature bonus material.

The Lionheart reissue will be limited to 10,000 copies and will be released in a box which will include a CD, bonus audio DVD (featuring unreleased material/demo mixes, video clips and a 5.1/96k mix of the album) and exclusive lanyard/keyholder.

The Dogs Of War reissue will come with a booklet featuring new liner notes from Biff Byford and never before seen pictures and artwork, and the bonus tracks ‘The Great White Buffalo’ and ‘Denim & Leather’, recorded live on the 1995 Dogs Of War tour.

The tracklistings:
Lionheart (Special Edition) - ‘Witchfinder General’, ‘Man And Machine’, ‘The Return’, ‘Lionheart’, ‘Beyond The Grave’, ‘Justice’, ‘To Live By The Sword’, ‘Jack Tars’, ‘English Man 'O' War’, ‘Searching For Atlantis’, ‘Flying On The Edge’. Audio DVD - ‘Lionheart’ (Making of clip),

‘Lionheart’ (live clip), ‘Beyond The Grave’ (video), Studio/Audio rough mix, 5.1/96k High End sound mix.

Dogs Of War (SuPerValue Re-release) - ‘Dogs of War’, ‘Burning Wheels’, ‘Don't Worry’, ‘Big Twin Rolling (Coming Home)’, ‘Hold On’, ‘The Great White Buffalo’, ‘Demolition Alley’, ‘Walking Through Tokyo’, ‘Give It All Away’, ‘Yesterday's Gone’. Bonus tracks - ‘The Great White Buffalo’ (live), ‘Denim & Leather’ (live).

Sounds neat but I already have the CDs, and as much as a Saxon fan I don't see the point of spending more money again for some extra material. If it would contain unreleased tracks it may appeal me more.
Narcosynthesys68 said:
One question: Why?

One answer: Cash Grab!

Agree. That will be a neat discussion here on the forum. Does so many compilations, live albums, re-releases, boxsets getting on your "nerves"? It does to me as if creativity is dead and cashing on old glories it's all that's left.

NP: Deep Purple - 'Junkyard Blues'
It makes sense to re-release something if there is a reason to. In my recent haul, I picked up Montrose, ST on Gold Disc. Sounds like a million bucks and was well worth $16.00. The Saxon stuff is not old at all. I am confused as to why they would re-release Lionheart which is what, a year old??

I suppose that the record company is the one who dictate this kinda shit but you would think that Biff would look at this and say, no fucking way. Help us with a NEW album and that would be better use of your money/backing...???

Hell, Iron Maiden has released so many things over and over and over and over... There must be something there to have them keep doing it!?!

As long as we keep buying the shit, they will keep releasing it...
There's no point in reissuing w/ bonus an album just released last year...

SPV has just done the same thing with Motörhead's Inferno by the way.
So are labels getting greddier these days or is just my imagination?

NP: Quartz - 'Stand Up And Fight'
Wyvern said:
So are labels getting greddier these days or is just my imagination?

Can they get any greedier? They go on and on about losing money to downloads. I agree. They are. But I think it's the blind buys they're missing out on. People now have a chance to try it before they buy it. Contrary to that, I'm actually buying more now that I can download and try things out first. I had gotten so sick and tired of crappy discs that I bought blind that I had given up on purchasing new stuff.

I just bought Lionheart a couple of months ago. If I had known about the reissue I would have waited a couple more.
Wheezer said:
Can they get any greedier? They go on and on about losing money to downloads. I agree. They are. But I think it's the blind buys they're missing out on. People now have a chance to try it before they buy it. Contrary to that, I'm actually buying more now that I can download and try things out first. I had gotten so sick and tired of crappy discs that I bought blind that I had given up on purchasing new stuff.

I just bought Lionheart a couple of months ago. If I had known about the reissue I would have waited a couple more.
I guess the fact that people can access music so quick means the labels have to choose very carefully who they will sign, because they will have to inject lots of cash to get those puppies on the road!
Wheezer said:
Can they get any greedier?

I was been sarcastic, but I do believe they can. They actually don't care about the puppies (as POF called them) just how much money they do in the processs, it's not about music or quality it's a business and like any other business (even if it should not be like this) in the end money talks.

But I think it's the blind buys they're missing out on. People now have a chance to try it before they buy it. Contrary to that, I'm actually buying more now that I can download and try things out first. I had gotten so sick and tired of crappy discs that I bought blind that I had given up on purchasing new stuff.

Agree absolutely, I had stated the same many times. Download it's not a mean to avoid the purchase it's a mean of decision to know if the purchase worth. But unlike you I beleive the danger of downloading to the companies is in fact that power of decision.
If you buy blindly and get stuck with shit it's tough luck for you but money in the bank for them. If you can listen in advance you may find that the money suits better inside your wallet, and that's their loss moreover considering that the amount of crap out there is huge these days and they know it.

Let's remember than in metal because of special status regarding type of music and fan base buying a record is much more likely than a radio/MTV stuff (engulfing rap, hip-hop, teeny pop, mallcore, etc), where single songs and the flavor of the week rules and therefore there's no desire in purchase an album (especially again when 99% it's repetitive crap).

The consumer right to choose in advance, to decide where the money should go, when and how it's to me a universal right...sadly for music companies it's a danger to their business.

NP: Renacer - 'Espíritus Guardianes'