saxon support act

And its supposed to be Blitzkrieg and Girlschool both supporting Saxon at the Wulfrun gig but there's no mention of this yet on Girlschool's site - I saw it mentioned on Blitzkreig's site. That is a totally delicious line-up having those 3 bands on same bill.
Yeah - yippie. I can't wait to go and see both of those. It's going to be so like mega. - NOT.

Blitzkriegs vocalist sounding like an extremely skint mans Ozzy Osbourne, the album produced on a 4 track. Highlights of the Sins and Greed Album include:

1) Track one - A sort of vocal bridge where he manages to sound a little like Nicky Moore of Samson.

2) Track four - The first 12 seconds of Guitar, ruined by everything that follows.

3) Track 9 - Almost sounding like Blitzkrieg II, but nowhere near as good.

4) The 4 minutes 2 seconds of total silence after Hell Bent for Leather.

5) The hidden track just after the blessed silence. Although its an acoustic version of an earlier track, it is the best thing on there.

Princess, please tell me what Girlschool stuff we should be avoiding too?

I hope there will be some space at the bar to get a drink or two while they are both on. I'm tempted to ring up and reserve my spot now... I'm sure space will be at a premium. Infact I'm going to reserve them all now. Could be a nice little earner. ;-)

Phone 077*** ***** to get your space at the bar now!!!
Right well that's you well and truly crossed off my christmas card list now Matrazz for saying such terrible things about 2 of my favourite bands.

And I'd love to tell you some Girlschool songs for you to avoid but there's a big problem there cos all Girlschool songs are brilliant, they don't have any songs that you would ever want to avoid.

So you'll be at the bar then while Girlschool and Blitzkrieg are rocking out bigtime - well keep an eye out for the other forumite that hates those 2 bands, The Ass Master, he'll keep you company while you slag them both off.

Right, where's my Hit & Run album, I fancy listening to some Girschool now.
well, i hope that someone tells us when they are finished so we can enter the hall :)

No, No, No Saxonator, don't stand outside the hall - you must stand at the bar with Matrazz and The Ass Master cos then I'll know where to find you all. And when I find the 3 of you, I'm going to drag you all by the hair right down the front so you can get right up close and personal with Girlschool. I'm sure you'll love seeing them live but if you then turn round and say to me that they are crap, well I'm afraid I'll have to take the 3 of you into the ladies loos and do some nasty things to you. And by nasty, I mean either decapitation or castration, the choice is yours hoho!!!!!

Hot or what??

Whoa there just one minute young lady!!!

Drag me by the hair? Hmm, will have to be the hair on my chinny chin chin, my gorgeous long tresses are history I'm afraid, and well, erm, I like to keep it nice and trimmed elsewhere! :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:
And as for doing nasty things to me, great, it'll save me having to shell out more for my Mistress of Pain! Decapitation though please, rather than castration, I don't want to end up looking or sounding like that bloke out of Grim Reaper/Onslaught. Death is by far preferable.

So where did I say I disliked Girlschool? In their day, they weren't too bad. Well, Kelly was quite attractive. The thought of them today, however, chills my blood - I wonder if they share a tooth and an eye like the mythical Gorgons?!!! I hope they have aged better than I have!
I will, however, be investing in Polyfilla shares, as I expect they'll be needing looooads to complete these shows!!

All that said, having Girlschool on the bill is a step in the right direction. At least people will have heard of them and maybe take a peep to see how they have um "matured".
Then, prepare for the stampede to the bar.........

Incidentally chaps, for your own safety, don't tap anyone on the shoulder and say "Excuse me mate, are you the AssMaster?" . You might not get to see the main attraction!!!!! And you know the bar is gonna be choc-a-block!!

See you at Wolverhampton!!
MatRattz said:
Not too keen on quasimodo's uglier cousin on the drums, but you can't win 'em all. Relative of yours is she?

Haha Matt, well for once you are right, Denise is a bit of a hound and looks awfully like Mo from Eastenders, don't you think?

And there's no point in saying she's a relative of mine cos everyone knows fine well that you fancy me something rotten Matt, you are just soooooo hot for me its' unreal, and that is why you can be found night after night standing under my bedroom window, serenading me with all my fav Saxon songs and holding large bunch of redroses pure begging for me just to come down and talk to you. When are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours Matt, I AINT INTERESTED IN YA!!!! So please stop standing outside my house all the time, please stop phoning and texting me and please stop sending me your scuddy pics because everytime I see you naked it really does give me the dry boak hahahahahaha!!!!

Oh and one more thing Matt, any more of your cheek and you'll not be getting castrated or decapitated, oh no I can think of a much better form of torture for you, I will force you to listen to Pink Floyd and Cream for 5 hours and then drive a nail through your testicle as hard as I can. Yes I said testicle because unfortunately you only have the one and it's not even a big one - so what happened to the other one or were you just born a mutant.

Ok I think I better run for cover now!!!!!
Keep on dreaming princess. One day they may take you off your medication and release you back into society.

Understand though, that they will only do so under certain conditions. You will be forced to wear a sandwich board, which says on the front "I'm sorry I like Diamond Head" and "Rush have a restraining order on me" on the back, whilst walking down the street ringing your bell shouting "Unclean, Unclean!"

It won't be necessary for you to shout that... everyone will know by looking at you.

There you go... I think I let you off lightly.:Spin:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks Matt, you really did let me off very lightly there - I really thought you were going to chew me up and spit me out after my little outburst at you. But you know I was only joking with you anyway, of course I wouldn't drive a nail through your ball, that would just be downright evil and I'm not evil at all, I am just a little timid princess who is actually quite scared of all you crazy Saxon fans.

But what do you mean Rush - do you not like them either Matt. This is just wrong, so very wrong that you don't like the mighty Rush. I'm going to have to cancel my plans for the weekend and come down to your house and sort you out. And by sort you out, I mean I'll have to give you a right good education regarding Rush,I'll bring all my Rush albums with me and I might as well bring my Floyd albums as well - I'm still totally in a state of shock you saying that you loathe Floyd - what is wrong with you boy, you suffering from Brain Damage or sommat.
What I meant Assmaster was that you would be standing at the bar as well cos you didn't want to see Blitzkrieg. I didn't know if you liked Girlschool or not but I just took a wild guess and asssumed that you wouldn't like them cos there are loads of folk that don't like them.

Yes in their heyday they were a mighty fine band indeed but they're day isn't over yet, not by a long shot. I saw them about 12 weeks ago and not only did they sound even better than they did in the mid 80s, they also look fantastic for their age. Don't really know what age they all are now, but 45 at least I would reckon, and I kid you not, none of them look much older than about 37!!! So don't worry, they won't be chilling your blood at all but maybe you should stay at the bar cos if they see you down the front it's probably going to be you who chills Girlschool's blood beause by the sounds of things, its you who hasn't aged too well Assmaster, your gorgeous locks have been replaced by a baldy napper and you probably have to smear ten ton of polyfiller just to smooth out ONE of your wrinkles.

And it just goes to prove that Girlschool's music keeps you young cos they all still look really young and attractive (apart from Denise) and that's probably why I'm still a bright young thing, still got my gorgeous long locks and am wrinkle-free cos I've listened to Girlschool music for the best part of 20 years.

Canny wait to see you all at Wolverhampton - its going to a hoot and a half.

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