Say something nice about the previous person game

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^and by that measuring stick that would make Aragorth and absolutely SPAMTASTIC poster! :D


And to think I was going to save that smiley for use on someone else. :cry: Ah well.
^*Complements self* :D

I can see you looking at the thread Ms. Blackheim. :Smug: Hurry up and say something so I can compliment you already! :p
Nah it's OK man. She's either just gone offline or into hiding from me anyway :cry: (Judging from the +1 count to the 'invisible members count' anyway. ) Damn. And I just realised from her profile that she's my age too! :eek: If that's her in her pic, I woulda picked her as 17-18. I suck with the juding of teh ages nowadays. :erk:

Oh yes nearly fogot.

^PWNZ me!
Having Angela 'under' me eh? I suppose I could settle for that. ;) But I'm thinking she'd prefer to be on top.* :rolleyes:

*So I can COMPLIMENT her silly! :p Now STOP POSTING AFTER HER! :mad:

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