Say something nice about the previous person game

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^Has to go to work today...
^ is really cool and a nice addition to our forum

Profånity said:
How is that saying something nice about me?

None of my posts are worthy of deletion. I post exactly the same messages on other forums and none of those get deleted.

You are abusing your powers as a moderator.
Many of your posts necessitate deletion. I just see no point in you with your repeated one line spamming. If you had noticed, I don't delete ALL your posts, just the ones that are irrelevant.

For example, posting every minute in the Now Playing thread, just to name another song off the same album with 4 posts in a row is spam. Can't you just say the name of the album? No, you must increase your post count.

Sorry, this forum is NOT here to increase your post count, and posting repetitive dribble will not be tolerated. Complain to Mark if you wish. He can see all the posts I delete, and I have no worries. If I asked to have you banned from this forum, I could probably do so, but I haven't asked. If you'd like to push me, feel free to try your luck.
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