Say something nice about the previous person game

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c-o-f said:
has a very cute anal fissure called a mouth
^ that's not nice,
I could say much here but I'm going to say what others have to you *LEAVE ME ALONE*
maybe what our moderator warned others about will be directed at you?
tb666 said:
Your post was borderline offensive so no I won't loosen up.
If you wanna make comments like that I suggest you find another forum.
This forum sounds like something for you 8339
So if you wanna remain here I suggest you take better care about what you post
@ metta4: this c-o-f needs to grow up and have respect for woman
he called me a bitch and to get fucked.
I complained to UM about it but nothing was done,
other than *I* was giving a warning about being banned.
There are some good people on this forum and I've
made a couple of what I believe will be life time friends.
But it only takes one rotten apple to spoil the bunch for all.
"If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything"
btw c-o-f will say some very negative, hurtful things and
adds j/k or 'I made a bad' to it and thinks everything is fine.
The problem is that nothing will ever be done about him.
This is horribly off-topic but still.

@metta4: true, not very nice and I have told Chris about it.
@Xto: No, I did not warn you, I warn both you and Chris to cool down.
Yes he called you a bitch which wasn't nice but you called his little daughter a crackbaby so his reaction was natural.
Other then that he hasn't said anything bad to you atleast not in the threads I have seen.

Now carry on.
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