SBB - My solo album (DI files inside)


Dec 14, 2010
I'm excited to announce that I released my solo album today:

Here are the DI tracks and midi drums for track 3:

BPM = 105

Album Mix: new.wav

may i ask which guitar setup that is? great sound man! (the only thing - i dont like instrumental albums :D - but great!)
Thanks for taking a stab at this, but the guitars sound muffled :(

Guitar signal chain:

My hand > Dunlop tortex 0.88mm pick > D'Addario Nickel Wound 0.011-0.056 strings in drop C > Seymour Duncan Full Shred (sh-10b) and Hot Rails (shr-1) pickups > custom Carvin neck through (hard rock maple neck, ebony fingerboard, walnut wings) > Countryman Type 85 DI box > Mackie Onyx Blackjack interface > Reaper DAW > Axe-FX (Randall V2)

Here's my quick screw around with, got about half way (maybe 2/3 before my pc was all used up) so I couldn't finish or tweak it or get the drums a bit less fake sounding (you'll hear some popping from the snare hits now and then etc).

The d.i guitars where pretty good though, could take a bit of processing without turning to shit.........will have to invest in on Countryman or Radial pretty soon.

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Please rate it! Soundcloud quality is not the best, but you can get an idea
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