So go on then.
Who went? Who's going to piss me off first by saying it was the best show they've ever played, I really should've been there etc etc...

Oh mate you shoudve!! You know THAT was a craking gig last night - fucking heaving at the scala! 100000 degrees and loads of circle pits and some outrageous stage diving from a polish guy who just loved hitting the floor.
Highlights? the whole gig - amazing amazing amazing!!!
Heres some pics:-






for those who dived....

and 1 very happy sab fan with the neeg

Top pics, Looked a great show. There weren't any "This is our last ever gig" rumblings were there?

They are playing Holland mate -august -id go but ive got Metallica [first time since 88 lol].
And im about to go download in about 30 minutes so £££££££££ will be an issue temporarily.

With Sabbat -i reckon -it's always best to squeeze the gigs in when you can -17 year gaps are horrible :lol::lol::lol: But yeah was a very very very good gig AND they played advent of insanity with mr b on the keyboards - great gig - you should have been there.heres to the next one where ever it may be!
