scar symmetry - holographic universe


New Metal Member
May 30, 2008
Did anybody hear this amazing album!

defidently album of the year for me. Swano influence is heard throughout the album. and Per Nilsson is one of the best guitarist in metal write now!
some of the best progressive metal to come out in a very long time :kickass:
cool, good to see scar symmetry has fans out there. yeah he sings allot in this new one compared to the other 2 albums, but i really dug it. actually its become my fav scar symmetry album. but pitch black progress is also nothing short of amazing!

the solos on holographic are jawdropping!:OMG:
Haven't heard any of their albums yet but have seen them live. They ROCK!!

Singer said: "We're old and we're ugly, but we still know how to ROCK!" :)
Definitely looking forward to this album! I like their past two albums a lot as well, but feel that the debut is the stronger of the two. Pitch Black Progress starts out fine, but it's kinda 'hit and miss', after the first four songs or so. Hoping for more consistency this time around. Christian Alvestram is an amazing talent!
This was a surprise! I liked this spot on, thanks for the recommendation.

BTW, does anyone know if the Another Life demoes are available for download somewhere still? There`s only one song at Myspace.
thank you mattcira for pointing that out! haha im sure swano fans will enjoy the album. im sure dan will love it too ^_^:headbang:
Well, I checked it out, and there is definitely a strong Swanö influence on this album... and I like it a lot! It seems to follow Dan's "pop death metal" esthetic ;) + Just listen to the clean vocals in the title track at 5:11 and tell me that doesn't sound like Dan.