Scar Symmetry - New Album Details and Artwork

Really. Just because you don't know you're doing something doesn't mean you're not doing it.

In fact, I take back what I said earlier about not accusing him of being a troll. I totally accuse him of being a troll at this point.
Simmer down, dude. You rag me for being a troll when I said a POSITIVE thing. I've seen many slag comments from you on this forum. You like to fire people up, then get defensive when they defend themselves. I'm done debating this and will no longer answer anymore inflammatory comments from you.
Actually, I enjoyed the concept behind "the Holographic Universe" as it was based upon a very fascinating book written by a theoretical physicist Michael Talbot years ago, and was recently also the title of an article in Scientific American magazine...

I didn't care much for the last Scar Symmetry, but "The Holographic Universe" was amazing!
I just hope this one has better production values than Dark Matter Dimensions, which had bad production when compared to Holographic Universe.

+ 2

No, they're basing it off of an actual book that this dude David Icke wrote believing reptiles run a shadow government that controls the world. There are people that actually believe it's real.

The REPTILES? Bwahahahahahaha, that's just silly!

Now, the marsupials....but let's not talk about that. The walls have ears. And pouches. :heh:

Actually, I enjoyed the concept behind "the Holographic Universe" as it was based upon a very fascinating book written by a theoretical physicist Michael Talbot years ago, and was recently also the title of an article in Scientific American magazine...
I didn't care much for the last Scar Symmetry, but "The Holographic Universe" was amazing!

Agreed. I liked the most recent one, but not as much as their prior output, which I thought was consistently excellent.
I think I gave post-Christian Scar Symmetry a fair shake. It just didn't shake out the way I would have liked. Not bad. Just not magical anymore.