Scar Symmetry


valfri baguette
Oct 19, 2007
I really love SS and im curious if anyone else agrees with me.

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one of my fav. bands coming the last years....their new upcoming album will blow your minds :D
I really love SS and im curious if anyone else agrees with me.

Scar Symmetry Kill I seen them Dark Tranquility at the Troc in Philly, and HOLY SHIT.

They were tight as hell, whats your favorite amon amarth song, also if you want to hear an amazing band with a real black thrash sound check out Toxic Holocaust and Nocturnal

This is Nocturnal Temples of Sin:rock::notworthy
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I love Scar Symmetry. Sucks that I had to miss them on this past tour with Insomnium, but I'm sure both groups will be back sometime in the near future.
Scar Symmetry Kill I seen them Dark Tranquility at the Troc in Philly, and HOLY SHIT.

They were tight as hell, whats your favorite amon amarth song, also if you want to hear an amazing band with a real black thrash sound check out Toxic Holocaust and Nocturnal

This is Nocturnal Temples of Sin:rock::notworthy

That was some nice shit there Blackend6
thanks for the vid:kickass:
why, but why?
Good guttural vocals... and then that fagot clear vocals? thats just gay.
I'm not saying clear vocals are gay... Falkenbach or Enslaved for example do the transition from guttural vocals to clear vocals very well, they are cool... but those emo clear vocals are just pathetic. Thats fucking garbage.
why, but why?
Good guttural vocals... and then that fagot clear vocals? thats just gay.
I'm not saying clear vocals are gay... Falkenbach or Enslaved for example do the transition from guttural vocals to clear vocals very well, they are cool... but those emo clear vocals are just pathetic. Thats fucking garbage.

ok we get it, you don't like it. Listen to Pitch Black Progress(song) its just all death vocals. The vocals arnt gay, ever listened to Power Metal?
You got to hear a band called Decadence from Sweden they have a REALLY hot ass girl singer who screams like Angela From Arch Enemy :kickass:

My favotire amon amarth songs are Under the Grey Clouded WInter Sky and Sorrow Through Out the Nine Worlds

Decadence Myspace

they are cool, have a nice thrash metal feel to them, but i have to say that Arch Enemy are better, thanks for sharing it though :kickass:
hhaa yea dude I am all about arch enemy, the new album from them is probally my favorite, its fucking amazing from them. I kind of like the band overall with angula better then Johan, but Johan got some kick ass shit as well. Black Earth is amazing