Scar Symmetry......

I'm picky with bands that use harsh vocals, but Scar Symmetry I dig to no end. I became a fan during their Holographic Universe release and I've followed them ever since. I'm looking forward to this set and I'm sure it will be intense!

For someone unfamiliar with their catalog what are some suggestions for a starting point? What do you consider their best CD?


Sean, you and I have similar taste and I dig this band. I think you should start with Holographic Universe. The harsh vocals fit the music well and the clean vocals are some of the best heard anywhere. The whole thing just hits on all cylinders.

For someone unfamiliar with their catalog what are some suggestions for a starting point? What do you consider their best CD?


I am sure you will get alot of replies, but their last album (Singularity) as Glen noted, is their most progressive with the most clean vocals overall. It depends on which end of the heaviness scale you swing from....
I was first introduced to the band in 2006 when they released Pitch Black Progress. I love the album for what it is, pure melodic death metal.
Holographic Universe was an amazing follow up, so those 3 albums are where my heart lies in this band's catalog. Hope that helps.
For someone unfamiliar with their catalog what are some suggestions for a starting point? What do you consider their best CD?


I'd start with their latest. I personally think it's on a completely different level compared to the rest of their discography (which is saying a lot since their whole discog is pretty damn good). The Singularity only has 6 actual songs, but it's a complete listening experience that demands to be listened to from beginning to end almost every time. Excellent, excellent songwriting, vocals from both singers are absolutely fantastic, great riffs and solos, the production is awesome, I can't think of anything objectively wrong with the album.
"Latest disc has more clean vocals than growls for all you sensitive souls."

Glenn put it best. Plus, PPUSA could afford to use a heavier band this upcoming year. I highly doubt the heaviest from "Pitch Black Progress" will be on the setlist anyway.
was reading this thread at work today. Went back and listened to Holographic Universe on the way home. Scar Symmetry are going to fuck shit up next year. I love it.


8 - Orlando, FL - Haven
9 - Atlanta, GA - Prog Power USA *
10 - Boonsboro, MD - G Boone's
11 - New York, NY - Gramercy Theatre
12 - Philadelphia, PA - Voltage Lounge
13 - Providence, RI - Firehouse 13
14 - Montreal, QC - Petit Campus
15 - Toronto, ON - Hard Luck
16 - Columbus, OH - Al Rosa Villa
17 - Valparaiso, IN - Big Shots
18 - Kansas City, MO - The Riot Room
19 - Fort Worth, TX - Rail Club
20 - Austin, TX - Dirty Dog Bar

* Scar Symmetry only