Scenes From The Mall......


From the vastly deep
Jun 17, 2002
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Here's a couple of observations I made at the mall today(while hopelessly trying to Christmas shop)...I found them kind of hillarious and thought I'd share:)


This little high school couple was walking by the entrance of Hot Topic and the guy is all, "Hey, lets go in there that place is cool." His girlfriend shudders and says, "No Way! That place scares me!" I was all..scares you?? WTF??? (to myself of course) HA!!


A young father and his son are walking through the middle of the mall, the father has a super ball (the big heavy kind) and he's trying to entertain his son (as far as I could tell) and he's bouncing the damn thing so it hits the ceiling and comes down on random people's heads and various displays in the kiosks in the middle...leaving a wake of pissed off people and shop owners! What a fuckin wonder some people are predisposed to become complete idiots, divoid of any common sense whatsoever! Bet that kid will be a real genius when he's older!

Man...sometimes I'm embarrassed to be among the same species as the general public!

How did the Christmas shopping go? Well...I ended up with the new Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles as well as the new Dream Theater (presents for me) but couldn't find anything I was looking for to buy the people on my list...did I mention I hate shopping????o_O
Not so much the shopping that's tough, it's getting the cash :erk:

Well we're on the topic of Hot topic (harharhar), something really pisses me off! All these kids wearing NES shirts and stuff who have never even played the damn games. They're raping my childhood! Argh! :cry:

The best thing Hot Topic ever had was the artificially aged "80's" tshirts. They just put random cracks over He-man and claimed it looks vintage, instead of resembling a shitty printing job that a garage band with $1.50 could surpass.
It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to miss the NES shirt fad. Been to the mall more of late, but tend to focus on the person I'm with. Not paying attention at all actually gets more people to move out of my way...
If I could choose between being impaled and going to spend a whole day at the mall... the choice would be hard to make... I just hate the mall, I'll have to go for my christmas gifts though... I figured I'd shop online to know exactly what I want before I go in so that I know exactly where to go, and I'll spend a minimum of time in that hellish place... That is if I can get out of my place to start with... fuckin snow everywhere!
OMG! MI, that is hilarious. Especially the part about the bouncy ball. Sounds like something from a movie. I probably would've said something to the jerk. Or, taken the ball and thrown it at him. What about all those weird lookin things in the mall. I'm definately not a mall person, but at xmas time, you have to go. I just hate being ushered through a mall, like a piece of cattle like they want you to be. This year, I've done most of my shopping on-line.

I hate crowds!
The Mall,lmao!!! Last time I was in a mall me and my cousin kept getting strange and scared looks from people.Thats what happens when u dress in all black and wear Deicide Tshirts.We also spotted some teeny bopper posers wearing Korn and Marilyn Manson shirts.Malls suck!!!!
I got called goth because I had on a black leather jacket and a black tshirt for it was I believe a Canadian death metal act
i remember my mother-inlaw trying to grab something from the shelf & leaned or bumped into the rshelf it was on & a garbage can(Rubbermaid) fell from the top & landed on top of her making her look like a R2D2 from Star did i laugh me ass off.. it could only happen to her. i remember at Thanksgiving she was washing dishing & she asked for a plunger thinking it was plugged up & yes you guess it, it had the plug in it. you should of seen her trying to unplug it with the plunger for about 3mins. theres more but 2 many to tell. my fingers would get tired
Shopping makes me nuts. I hate it too! Especially going to that fucking Costco. I was in there about 2 weeks ago with my fiance and some turd bounced his cart, about 1/2 full, of her hip...hard. It was a solid collision. She says "ow!" and looks around. That little he-bitch just keeps walking, looking straight forward like nothing happened. I don't know what came over me. I ran over there...I don't know what I was thinking...and grabbed his left upper arm and spun his ass around. I said "I think you owe her an apology dude" as I nodded in my fiance's direction. He looked really scared. He said, "Jeez, I'm sorry man, it was accident". I said sorry for grabbing his arm and walked back to my fiance. She was pissed at me. I felt like an angry psycho bully. The guy was about 5 nothing, 100 nothing and I'm 6'3", 240lbs. That place just makes me nuts. Needless to say I did most of my Christmas shopping online.
Steiner said:
Shopping makes me nuts. I hate it too! Especially going to that fucking Costco. I was in there about 2 weeks ago with my fiance and some turd bounced his cart, about 1/2 full, of her hip...hard. It was a solid collision. She says "ow!" and looks around. That little he-bitch just keeps walking, looking straight forward like nothing happened. I don't know what came over me. I ran over there...I don't know what I was thinking...and grabbed his left upper arm and spun his ass around. I said "I think you owe her an apology dude" as I nodded in my fiance's direction. He looked really scared. He said, "Jeez, I'm sorry man, it was accident". I said sorry for grabbing his arm and walked back to my fiance. She was pissed at me. I felt like an angry psycho bully. The guy was about 5 nothing, 100 nothing and I'm 6'3", 240lbs. That place just makes me nuts. Needless to say I did most of my Christmas shopping online.

HAHA Steiner...I work there...and you are so right! People are pure assholes as soon as they walk through the damn door of that place! It turns into a free-for-all! The fuckin' public sucks!
What is it about that place MindInsane? People race around in there like the store is constantly running out of stuff...but in reality they have shit literally stacked to the fucking cieling. I usually go to the one in San Ramon but people are nuts in there. The Hayward Costco is smaller and doesn't have a butcher but it's usually not that crowded. I think I'm gonna start going back to that one.