Schecter Scorpion Baritone, Peviously owned by...


Mathew Cohen
It was previously owned by the founding guitarist of Crematorium...

I'm trying to raise money for studio expenses (monitors, mics and such)...

If anyone is interested I'll post pics...

Its the baritone model... EMG 81/85 (bridge/neck)... Hardshell case included... they "customized" the electronics, instead of having two volume/two tone, there is an empty spot for a pot and 1 vol, 1 tone and a 3-way selector...

This guitar is fucking beefy as hell... he even gave me like 10 or 12 sets of string for it 12-60 gauge (you'll get those too)... and it has straplock strap buttons on it (I dont have the strap attachments for it, though, as I dont use them)

anyway, yeah let me know... I also have a BCRich Body Art Collection V from 2003 if anyone would be interested in that... also with a case...

:kickass: :kickass: :headbang: :headbang:

EDIT: oh... and if it needs to be shipped, I pay that out of the "sale price" so you dont have to (USA only)... :)