School Of Rock


i'm hungry.
Sep 27, 2003
Anyone seen School of rock? I saw it yesterday..and it was pretty funny. :Spin: any comments..lalalalaa
Funny. My favorite character was the cell packing little girl that was the band manager. " I did research on the internet and groupies are nothing but sluts. I won't be a groupie!"( quote is from memory ) :p
..i like the part..when he;s like ive touched ur children and i bet ur children have touched me..or something like that.
Kill me n0w said:
..i like the part..when he;s like ive touched ur children and i bet ur children have touched me..or something like that.

+snigger snigger+ Or the scene where he gets the school administrator drunk to that Stevie Nicks song "Edge of Seventeen"
I saw the movie thinking there would be a few AC/DC songs throughout it. Liked it, but a bit disappointed given my original intention in wanting to see School of Rock.
"Cello, it's a bass!"

"Bug out your eyes like there's something wrong, and raise your goblet of rock like this!"

"And so E equals MC squared."

And the gay designer kid was priceless.