School paper on Blackest of The Black Fest


Stargate Addict
Apr 3, 2003
Stargate Command
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Well I'm in a class of American popular music in the 20th century. One of our assignments is to write a paper about any recent concert we have attended. Since I already went to the Blackest of The Black Fest in LA this is a perfect opportunity to write about my experience.
The professor wants to know what kind of crowd was there, type of music, the performance of the bands, crowd reaction stuff like that. He specifically mentioned not to do a specific plug for a band, so there goes my chance in plugging Opeth :p But I will try to emphasize their set, hehe. Well I just wanted to mention that in my attempt to mention Opeth in my class any chance I get :)
lol im writing about the concept of MAYH album on my english writing assigment :D

so i dont know what people will think about Opeth.Like your paper, tell me what happens when people see your paper:)
Bad fuckin ass! :D you can say for Opeth the crowd was a bit roudy...I mean the only moshing I saw (I left after Opeth) was for Opeth...:lol: I thought shit was going to get nuts for behemoth and nile...I'd think it would.
At the Arizona show there was almost no moshing until Superjoint Ritual performed... Because they are oh so heavy, or not. From what I could tell most people were there to see Superjoint Ritual and Danzig, so the crowd was basically dead for the rest of the show. Which is a shame, but at least Opeth got the crowd going a little.