Schwarzenegger was on Canadian news magazine this weekend


vvv Jake's ass vvv
Jul 6, 2002
And he didn't look as stupid as he looked during his campaign. He looked surprizingly more to the left than I thought he was. His shtick seems to be that he wants to unite the left and the right for a better California. He was cocky enough to tell us that he is willing to do anything to kill Canadian film industry, and that Canada is resilient enough to find other ways to make money (although it wasn't as blatant as that).

I hate the way he always points his finger at people when he talks.

It was a good interview.
I don't know if this was the same interview, but over the weekend he also said that he intends to bring the GOP further to the left.

Honestly, he will rope so many people in when he runs for Prez.
he will never, ever run for prez because it would take years to pass the amendment to the constitution, and even in their depleted state, the Dems won't let it happen, because they saw how the media bent over backwards for Schwarzie and they don't want to compete with that on a national level.

that being said, he's a buffoon but he's not stupid, and those of us who expected a repeat of Jesse "The Body" Ventura have been disappointed.
If they amend article 2 (or is it article 1, can't remember). One interesting point that the CBC journalist made is that he might get help from the governor of Michigan, I think, in the quest for amendment because she's Canadian :)

Yeah, he said that he wanted people to stear more to the center, because that's where he believes American people are in the best shape. He didn't actually said that he wanted the republican party to follow him though.
this schwarz stuff is a total Evil Overlords trick, I think.

in return for changing the Constitution so arnold can run, the Democrats (with a mind toward some kind of Bill Clinton comeback) will demand support for their idea to change the Constitution so Presidents can serve more than two terms.

this, of course, plays right into the Evil Overlords' hands, and sets up for a post-Clinton (if that ever happens) essential dictatorship by Bush/Cheney-like Republican fascist types.