but Reeves is no doubt rotten and stinky by now, and Hawking, not being noted for his speed, might be suffocated before he can get out of range of the Christopher fumes.
I hear hawking has twin turbo on his wheelchair, and a portable black hole to boot. But, reeve was superman. he might be dead, but he is still the man of steel. he can use the fact that he got tons of pussy before he was paralyzed to mock Hawking who probably never got any (poor guy).
ya but reeve never actualy WAS superman. he only played him on tv. so in reality he has no real powers and cant even ride a horse properly. hawking however has the power of knowledge and can probably ride a horse on his wheel chair.
I give, Steven Hawking would win in that fight I guess. Still, he really does lose because he has Lou Gherigs disease. I guess that makes all of us the winners, being that we can walk and such.