Science...Amazing? Or are we going too far?

I agree too!

In fact, it annoys me that a large chunk my tax money goes to keep some old vegetable alive, when they should have been six feet under maybe 10-15 years ago. This is money that could have been spent on the educational system, or something actually worthwhile. Unfortunately, saying that death would perhaps be preferable, is not politically correct, so a party would suffer greatly if they ever dared to voice it.
I agree with Spaffe and footbalm, It's great that we can prolong life, but it shouldn't be forced upon people, we need to release our massive fear of death and instead live our life while its good, but if/when we become some vegetable in an old folks home doing nothing with our lives... I'd rather just zoom my chair in front of a bus or something than live in a home.

That said, my grandfather is 84, and up until he had his new wife, he walked 5 miles (fast walk, practically a jog) every day, had no fat on him to speak of and spent most of his time playing his bagpipes and building furniture (for friends and family) and shit in his basement.

Sadly, she came along and fed him saucy/fatty foods and in 3 years he's now had open heart surgery. joy. stupid bitch.
Conspicuously Absent said:
I agree with Spaffe and footbalm, It's great that we can prolong life, but it shouldn't be forced upon people, we need to release our massive fear of death and instead live our life while its good, but if/when we become some vegetable in an old folks home doing nothing with our lives... I'd rather just zoom my chair in front of a bus or something than live in a home.

That said, my grandfather is 84, and up until he had his new wife, he walked 5 miles (fast walk, practically a jog) every day, had no fat on him to speak of and spent most of his time playing his bagpipes and building furniture (for friends and family) and shit in his basement.

Sadly, she came along and fed him saucy/fatty foods and in 3 years he's now had open heart surgery. joy. stupid bitch.
Fuck Women, what a Cuntbag.
Erik said:
I also agree with fotmbmike, obviously if someone feels they live a decent life then there's really no need to go in and pull their medicines so they can die at a "natural" age, but I'm not sure you were advocating anything of the sort.

Obviously, no ;)

What you both are talking about are people capable of keeping their lives rolling, not the over-aged victims of modern medicine I was refering to.

And that exmaple with the old folks' home was not what I intended as the main thing with of mypost; it was just an example of what I was trying to relate
Maybe we'll actually be able to figure out if there is in fact life after death, and the Hasbelah terrorists will give up without their 72 virgins, and the Christians will all kill themselves because they're finally allowed to.