Scientists Crack Entire Genetic Code of Cancer


Kazrog, Inc.
Mar 6, 2002
Very interesting:

From the article: "This is the first time that a complete cancer genome has been sequenced and similar insights into other cancer genomes are likely to follow...."

"...From this, the experts estimate a typical smoker acquires one new mutation for every 15 cigarettes they smoke. Although many of these mutations will be harmless, some will trigger cancer..."

Just a couple of the interesting excerpts, I think this is excellent news. :kickass:
Just a couple of the interesting excerpts, I think this is excellent news. :kickass:

Good news indeed - as a leukemia survivor twice over, I always look to good news with welcome arms. They are doing similar studies on the genetics of leukemia and targeted treatment that will make the treatments I received a thing of the past, but thankfully those ancient treatments have given me years of my life I would have missed otherwise.
That´s good news but I wish they could focus on prostate cancer, which I haven´t seen on that article. Smokers have already chosen the way they´re going to die and are pretty confortable with it. I really don´t need a finger up my ass when I get older.
That´s good news but I wish they could focus on prostate cancer, which I haven´t seen on that article. Smokers have already chosen the way they´re going to die and are pretty confortable with it. I really don´t need a finger up my ass when I get older.

i love his hand gestures he uses as he speaks... lol. it's great news, but also funny if you focus on his hands.

lol yeh- that immediately sprang for me too James. He doesnt seem to have a particular order for his hand movements, and they dont seem to actually relate to things lol. Anybody remember stand from monkey island? haha.

This is really nice news anyway, pitty about the 5 years but hey. Hopefully once they can make the perfect cancer clones, they can fire them at eachother, one with with inverted phas,e and the evil shit will cease to live immediately :P.
This is awesome! Curing cancer has always felt so distant, as if it was impossible to do. I know a few people who have passed away in cancer and it sucks when nobody can do anything for them at all.

Man seriously, I remember some article I read where George W Bush was against stem cell research because it was not "right" due to his biblical belief. I get so mad when people in positions of power refuse to help others because it goes against their beliefs. What about OUR fucking beliefs? I believe nobody should have to suffer and die from cancer, is that considered an "inferior" belief than believing in some f*cking angels and a dude who controls the universe? Man, I wish there is a god... a god who can close the gates to his kingdom right before the face of those motherf*ckers when they die and think they'll go to heaven. "Sorry, you've been a brainless little c*nt lamb, you'll not set foot in my kingdom!". That would just rock!
This should hopefully convert most of the Western population over to atheism and rationalism, once they discover they can smoke as much as they feckin' want and then just go get a jab someday!