Scott Ian featuring on the new Lard album?


Apr 15, 2009
Wrecsam, Wales
I read somewhere that Scott will be appearing as a guitarist on the latest Lard album which will be coming out sometime in the fall.

For those of you who don't know, Lard is a side-project of both Al Jourgensen (of Ministry) and Jello Biafra (Dead Kennedys) that began in the 80's and released 2 Eps and 2 Full Length albums before going quiet for a bit. Often described as 'the best band you will never hear', Lard has a solid fanbase. Lard's music has also been used in a few films, most notably Natural Born Killers.

Their 2nd Full Length album, Pure Chewing Satisfaction may have been a breakthrough had it not been postponed for 3 years due to Biafra being critically beaten up by a bunch of idiots for 'selling out' after they read about a country album he did with Mojo Nixon, thinking it was a sign of selling out, (rather than what it actually was - a country punk album the likes of which have never been heard of since) as it was going to be released around the same time as Ministry's platinum selling 'Psalm 69'.

The new album has been in the making (or atleast in the talking!) since 2004, and apart from an approximate release date, nothing else is known.

So yeah, basically, will Scott Ian of Anthrax be appearing on the album for real?