Scott Ian replies!!

Did you see her e-mail to Sludge? I nominate her for the Anthrax Message Board Spokesperson...any time some one slams Anthrax we sic the Brat on em!!!!

Get 'em girl!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang:

Just doing my job.

I think Steve ripped better than I did, y'all are just flirting LOL.


Um...johnnie?? Haven't I made it perfectly clear during my time here that I have no idea how the man's mind works and therefore MUST be a girl?

They put up my reply to Spitzoid's 20Q too, but I was plain old "Heidi" back then, no one knew me. :cry:

I don't want Sludgette of the Month though, too much stuff involved. You must keep in mind, I don't go anywhere anymore unless it's worth it, which is no place lately (HINT HINT ANTHRAX GET YOUR ASSES HERE, PLEASE). Therefore I would have no captures and have my tiara taken away from me. Can't let THAT happen.

Scott did have a good reply. :Smokedev:
Steve I am certain you have tits........but I am more certain that they are not as nice as Brat's.....

By the way Brat did I mention that I look and sound exactly like a fellow named John Bush?????? HeHeHee.....
Urm, Steve M great reply to. I for one didn't know it was you. Can't you get a more standoutish (is that a word) moniker like Demongoatlord or thrashthrax. There were another couple of good replys but I didn't think they posted here. As for flirting this is the internet I,m pretty sure Brat is a fifty year old fat chap with bleeding piles, unwashed, wearing nothing but a meatball stained string vest and crocodile posing pouch, but her/his reply did make me laugh.

I am blonde great legs and tits and very easy..................honestish
I'm not Billy Milano, I'm not, I'm not!!! But I'm glad I made you laugh. It's what I live for, ya know. :puke:
And how many STEVE M's in the world would defend our boys like that? He even threw in Cleveland. Come on now, we all have to be able to find each other or how the fuck else are we gonna know the damage we're doing??

Armored Thrax, will you catch me while I faint??? :eek: LOL

Steve, you hate me too?? :cry:
You'll do anything to bring that girl into a conversation, won't you? I won't say what I'm really thinking right now, because I don't want to make Brent cry. And he better fucking appreciate it too!!! :lol:

But, FINE. If that's what it takes, FINE. Just remember the sacrifices Squiggs makes for you.