Scott's Gear in Guitar World!


Apr 25, 2003
Williamsburg, Va
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I just got the new issue of Guitar World today and on the last page it has Scott's rig in detail. It lists what guitars and amps he uses as well as effects and so forth. Everyone that gets Guitar World knows what I am talking about.
Tetsuo Chema said:
Thats very cool, i must get this. Damn i havent bought guitar world for years, a well nows a good time to start up again.

Scott was in last month's Guitar World too, as Chris posted last month. That issue is still available at a newstand near you....
Here goes:

Design Philosophy "My rig is really simple," says Anthrax rhythm guitar ace Scott Ian. "Pretty much just plug my Jackson guitars straight into my Randall heads and cabs. The only other things I need are a chorus pedal, for my clean sound, and my Whammy pedal, so I can re-create the sound on some of our records." Because he is constantly in motion when onstage, Ian uses a wireless system to ensure he has complete freedom of movement.

Mission Control "I basically only use three sounds: clean with chorus, my heavy sound and then my heavy sound with Whammy pedal," says Ian. Onstage, the guitarist works the Whammy pedal and handles his own channel switching. When chorus is called for, his guitar tech, Brian James, activates the Digitech XMC pedal.

Favorite Piece Of Gear "I recently got a Randall Vmax head with a custom cabinet they built for me that's loaded with two 12-inch speakers and a 15-inch speaker, too," says Ian. "That cabinet combined with the density control on the head, sounds awesome."

The Secret Weapon "I've got two," says Ian. "The first is my BBE Sonic Maximizer, which adds something to the EQ of my head. My other secret weapon is the custompickup Seymour Duncan makes for me. It's a (SH-12 George Lynch) Screamin' Demon model, wound a little hotter, with rails instead of pole pieces, like the Dimebag pickup. They call it the 'El Diablo.' " Sorry folks,,, but Ian says El Diablo is not available to the public.
That's just the stuff Scott brings on tour, his main studio amp is an Bogner Ecstacy. Live he just brigns whatever he's currently endorsed with.

On the old Anthrax albums (+ S.O.D) he used an Marshall JMP 2203 from 1976.
I never even see those amps advertised or in guitar shops. You always see the usual JCM 800, Valvestate series stuff, etc. Shit, I never even heard of this Marshall make.
If only... if only... if only Guitar World would understand. DO A COVER PIECE ON ANTHRAX!!! At least a feature longer than one page. I also hate how I subscribe to the mag and get it after it has hit stands.

Maybe they'll tab Safe Home.... i can't figure it all out by ear.