Scott's MySapce page

Anthrax_Mosher said:
and he would have noticed how Anthrax album sales went downhill when Bush joined haha

Personally I bought all the Bush era albums, but didn't buy all the Joey era albums. Maybe Scott heard about that and thought I had my finger on the pulse in some odd way.
I guess we'll never, ever, know.
He has never once left a comment for me. :(

Oh well. *grabs pantyhose and prepares to internet-harass*
DeathsHead said:
Apparently not, if Scott were that good at math he wouldnt have fired Joey at Anthrax's sales peak

let the flames begin

Thank god that comercial success dictates quality or Kirt Cobain would have gone to his grave possibly knowing he was a no talent ass clown.
whitey131 said:
Thank god that comercial success dictates quality or Kirt Cobain would have gone to his grave possibly knowing he was a no talent ass clown.

Nevermind was a good album, come on. Okay I haven't listened to it in about 7 years, but fuck its still good.
Stormwatch said:
Nevermind was a good album, come on. Okay I haven't listened to it in about 7 years, but fuck its still good.

It was dull and lifeless, and revolved aroud the predictable method of selling youth to the young.
Stormwatch said:
Nevermind was a good album, come on. Okay I haven't listened to it in about 7 years, but fuck its still good.

Ehhhh. I remeber when that guy died and the tards in my school were comparing him to Hendrix.

He was a sub par guitar player with a not really good voice and the songs were just meh.
It was dull and lifeless, and revolved aroud the predictable method of selling youth to the young.
i'm not a big nirvania fan but cabain was 23 or 24 when nevermind came out so i don't think he was selling youth to anybody. i could see if he was 40 but he was just a kid himself. and i applaud him for helping start a movement that would eventually kill off hair metal. i wish i would have thought of a way to do it.

let freedom ring with a shotgun blast !