Scourge Debut Album "Transgression" Set For Release

Cooperman the rescue!!!
Apr 13, 2001
Virginia, USA

Scourge Transgression CD Launch - Friday 13 August - Amplifier Bar, Murray St (Rear of Monkey Bar), Perth

With Syzygy, Psychonaut and Nexus.

Doors 8pm
Entry $10
Entry w/CD $20

The CD should be available outside of Perth at Skinny's(Bris), Utopia(Syd), and Metal Mayhem(Melb) within the next couple of weeks. Otherwise email us direct at and we'll sort you out. Keep an ear out on metal radio around the country in coming weeks too.

Rock on! :rock:
We'd love to... does anyone know if Metal for the Brain is happening this year? I wanna try and get a couple of bands from over here to come over for an east coast tour. If anyone has any contacts it would be much appreciated as it's pretty hard doing everything from here.
MFTB may not be on this year at all due to Alchemist's European tour.

But if you just want promoters than ask the pimp for canberra, and I'm sure Lunchbox will hook you up with Cam.
I got my copy midweek last week and I have to say that I love the music: crunchy, thrashy, blazing guitars! Very cool in that department. I don't really like Ryan's vocals though. Sometimes they sound awesome but other times they just aren't good. Oh well. Also, was there any mastering issues Coops? There's a fade on one of the tracks that just sort of drops out right at the end. Full review soon!