Screaming Beast (UK) - Our New Narrative of Hate


Heavy Metal OTD
Feb 17, 2014
Our New Narrative of Hate is the debut, full-length, release of the UK Heavy Metal Band Screaming Beast. The Album is the follow-up of 2 EPs, Blistering Lies (2014), To Assail and Conquer (2015) and released on March 23rd, 2018.

Musically speaking, Our New Narrative of Hate is a Ten tracks' pack, delivering forty-five minutes of stomping groove, blended with powerful breakdowns and dueling guitar harmonies. The way double kicking has teamed up with Jason's lines gives extra points on the overall aggression of the album!

Looping debut gave me an always-on, "what's coming next?", feeling as these guys have successfully avoided repetition and the usage of fillers. Really loved the changes between distorted and clean atmosphere, the vocal range plus the amount of reverb, which is my thing, but this is me! I hope you enjoy the album and stop by the band's merch stand to show your love and support.


✓ This Dawn This Day
✓ World with Fate
✓ Giving into Fear
✓ Silent Submission
✓ Despair
✓ Lost and Betrayed
✓ This Fray
✓ Society of Slaves
✓ The Nameless
✓ Reborn

Daniel Mucs - Drums, Anton War - Vocals, Arun Kamath - Guitar/Backing Vocals, Rory Vallely - Guitar, Jason Hartley-Smith - Bass/Backing Vocals

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