

New Metal Member
Mar 22, 2008
hey, im a noob, but i can do a decent scream ranging from death grunt to like a dr roxxo sorta 3 inches of blood thing. i cant do a midrange well, cause it ends up sounding like a super intense high midrange scream. also when i scream i run out of breath real fast. about 5 or 10 seconds. any tips? btw, how do you exhale a pig squeal?
You are screaming to hard. Mid ranges are really just a yell but add distortion. And for high pitched gutturals put your tounge on the roof of your mouth and experiment from there how to get the sound.
When you scream you shouldn't be literally screaming, let the microphone do it's job and keep your screams and growls to a reasonable level so you don't run out of breath so fast.
Lots of practice! Use your diaphragm for your screams, it should be a technique that's sort of inbetween actually yelling/screaming and creating a harsh tone of your vocals, I can't imagine you can produce a loud and harsh noise properly without really using your lungs.

Describing vocal technique is a hard thing to do, I've read alot of post on forums and so called guides online and all I can ever get out of it is that screams shouldn't hurt, and practice is pretty damn important.
When you scream you shouldn't be literally screaming, let the microphone do it's job and keep your screams and growls to a reasonable level so you don't run out of breath so fast.

While I agree somewhat, DO NOT FUCKING WHISPER! Don't be a pussy with it, get some power in there, FUCKIN METAL!! :headbang:
Something I've always wondered... How loud are proper growls and screams when not mic'd? I've heard that they're quiet, but how quiet? Obviously not a whisper, but I imagine you'd fuck up your voice if you're literally screaming at the top of your lungs.
Something I've always wondered... How loud are proper growls and screams when not mic'd? I've heard that they're quiet, but how quiet? Obviously not a whisper, but I imagine you'd fuck up your voice if you're literally screaming at the top of your lungs.

I'd say they're relatively loud but it depends on technique. Screams and traditional death growls have a fair volume, whereas Brutal Death Metal a la Devourment, Torsofuck, Guttural Secrete are relatively quiet. It all depends on effort in the former, and talent in the latter.
hey, im a noob, but i can do a decent scream ranging from death grunt to like a dr roxxo sorta 3 inches of blood thing. i cant do a midrange well, cause it ends up sounding like a super intense high midrange scream. also when i scream i run out of breath real fast. about 5 or 10 seconds. any tips? btw, how do you exhale a pig squeal?

There's no such thing as a 3 Inches Of Blood scream. 2 words.

I used to actually scream harsh vocals but I couldn't speak properly for two days after and it didn't sound like I had any power behind it no matter how much effort I put into it. What I did was really starting to work on using my gut and really push the air out instead of screaming and it resulted in two things. First of all it sounds so much more powerful when recorded and it's also easier to record because the volume is much better, secondly my voice takes close to no beating at all in the process, I can scream for two or three hours without any hurt at all. I guess the best thing is to practice clean vocals first to you get a proper way to sing (using the gut) and apply the pressure to make it harsh later. Good luck! If you want to hear a smaple of my "singing" go to:


I guess I'm not the right person to give advice he he he!
If your throat hurts at all, you're doing it wrong. That said, you still need to build up a resistance to it. Just like anything else, it takes practice...AND FIND YOUR NICHE! Maybe you'd love to scream black metal screams, but if you can't rasp, you just can't rasp. Same with gutteral death metal. Find your niche and develop it from there.
I'd say a good scream volume unmic'd would be about the same as shouting volume, roughly.