Scripters, programmers here?


Oct 30, 2010
Hey guys, first, this is gonna a "long" post because of the codes, but it should load just fine since there's no image. Sorry if it's a pain to scroll, I assure it'll be worth it for many.

While I'm noodling on something bigger that Reaper/Reason ReWirers will love,







I thought I'd share a few scripts and see if you can return some of yours ?
Especially for Reaper ? I don't know anything about Reaper scripting yet...

Anyway, I'm not a pro and following the steps bellow will be very easy :

Grab the code, paste it in Notepad, save it with the right extension with the Unicode encoding, and you're good to go.
I had some redundant tasks that pissed me off both at work and for my own things and these save me HOURS.

Okay now, the scripts.
edit : removed them. somthing better coming
That's where you come into play man, update my code as I'm just a hobbyist and not a "real" programmer. :) But where could I loop and what ? from what I understand, it's not loopable because each variable is set according to my needs. I could have put far more than A to Z in there. I think with batch alone I could tho, now that you're bringing the point, have a variable that would call a few variables and put all those line under a single one, but in the end the .VBS would still have all the lines inside.
Software dev here!
I would suggest python or node.js if you want to learn overall useful skills. If you actually need stuff done on your computer then if on windows, use powershell, on mac or linux, use sh or bash.
Also this: or as was suggested. And use github if you want comments and code suggestions.
This is actually super topical for me, so forgive me for hijacking a bit - can anyone recommend a good primer of sorts for programming plugins? Like what is the StackOverflow equivalent in the plugin world?

I've been pretty strictly focused on web and front-end dev up to this point, but now that I'm getting deeper into js, rails, etc I would love to learn more about how I'd go about making my own plugins and don't know where to start.
I mainly work with c# in the .net world and when I last looked years ago there was nothing usable out there in terms of libraries or tutorials for c# and the steinberg sdk's are c++ based as far as I know so I got discouraged and prematurely gave up lol
So your best bet would be to learn c++ first which isn't easy even for seasoned devs. If you don't have previous programming experience it will be tough but probably well worth it if you get there.
Ok well I updated my 1st post to include screenshots of what I meant with the DAWs.
Gives a better perspective than the code windows I think. Not re-inventing the wheel, not programming a rover for Saturn's moons either.

Those are the windows I see when launching a session but I also have a shortcut that bypasses all the steps to be able to do everything with a single click (cause the windows are just preferences for the templates and filenames). I can setup my PC to start a 4PM in the BIOS, have the icon in the StartUp menu, and come home after work with a session loaded ready to play or record.

I understand that script automation and programming is differant, but people wanting to try this don't need a compiler.
Post your tools too now :p
I mainly work with c# in the .net world and when I last looked years ago there was nothing usable out there in terms of libraries or tutorials for c# and the steinberg sdk's are c++ based as far as I know so I got discouraged and prematurely gave up lol
So your best bet would be to learn c++ first which isn't easy even for seasoned devs. If you don't have previous programming experience it will be tough but probably well worth it if you get there.

Yeah, the more I look into it the more it looks like a total clusterfuck of standards and practices. After looking at the VST SDK I have very little desire to even try, esp with how shitty Steinberg has gotten with keeping up their overall product (tons and tons of tech debt).
Here's a little script to fix power settings in Windows 10. Thought about doing this after watching the "Mélodie computer" in Glenn's video cause they say they "optimize Windows for audio" lol

CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "control.exe powercfg.cpl"
set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WScript.Sleep 100
ws.sendkeys("{TAB 10}")
ws.sendkeys("{ENTER 2}")
WScript.Sleep 100
ws.sendkeys("{LEFT 4}")
ws.sendkeys("{RIGHT 5}")
ws.sendkeys("{LEFT 6}")
ws.sendkeys("{DOWN 6}")
ws.sendkeys("{RIGHT 5}")
ws.sendkeys("{UP 3}")
ws.sendkeys("{LEFT 5}")
ws.sendkeys("{RIGHT 5}")
ws.sendkeys("{LEFT 8}")
ws.sendkeys("{RIGHT 5}")
ws.sendkeys("{LEFT 6}")
ws.sendkeys("{TAB 4}")
ws.sendkeys("{ENTER 2}")
WScript.Sleep 100

Made another one to switch audio devices (go from my interface to my TV, or second outputs that are re-routed back in the interface so I can process or record anything from Windows on the fly).
Easy to adapt to fit your own requirements:
set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")"control.exe mmsys.cpl")
WScript.Sleep 100
ws.AppActivate "Sound"
WScript.Sleep 100
ws.sendkeys("{DOWN 2}")
ws.sendkeys("{TAB 2}")
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