Since I want to advertise my new forum, I'll do it here.
I've made a new Metal Forum for all metalheads out there, and I hope that some of you will join!
The reason for why I made it is that I want Metal allied to contribute their thoughts about their music and life in general.
We will discuss different bands, concerts, albums etc...
Another reason for why I made it is that people that don't like to Metal shall listen to the songwriters' words and philosophies of life.
That will make them come more into Metal, and that is very good indeed!
I'm the only member right now, but the first ones who will join the forum have a big chance to become a Moderator. Only the one(s) that I trust the most of course
If you like it, register and start to discuss!
If you don't like it, tell me why. I can stand (almost) all critics, hehe.
I've made some topics just to start with, but you're of course welcome to make new ones, and recommend other bands except the ones I've mentioned.
I hope you'll like it!
I've made a new Metal Forum for all metalheads out there, and I hope that some of you will join!
The reason for why I made it is that I want Metal allied to contribute their thoughts about their music and life in general.
We will discuss different bands, concerts, albums etc...
Another reason for why I made it is that people that don't like to Metal shall listen to the songwriters' words and philosophies of life.
That will make them come more into Metal, and that is very good indeed!
I'm the only member right now, but the first ones who will join the forum have a big chance to become a Moderator. Only the one(s) that I trust the most of course

If you like it, register and start to discuss!
If you don't like it, tell me why. I can stand (almost) all critics, hehe.
I've made some topics just to start with, but you're of course welcome to make new ones, and recommend other bands except the ones I've mentioned.
I hope you'll like it!