Scum - Gospels for the Sick

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Scum - Gospels for the Sick
Candlelight Records - CDL117 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse


If you're even vaguely well-informed about current events in the metal scene, the news that Amen frontman Casey Chaos had gotten together with Faust (Aborym, Blood Tsunami, Emperor), Samoth (Zyklon, Emperor), Happy Tom (Turbonegro) and Cosmocrator (Mindgrinder) couldn't really have escaped your notice. In fact, since Chaos has done everything short of go round door-to-door and brand people's foreheads with the album release date, you're probably wondering whether the result of the collective's efforts are worth all the hype.

Sadly, the answer is 'not really'. Despite Chaos' protests that the album would be more than a straight blend of punk and black metal... that is, in fact exactly what it is. There's a suitably clear, punchy but not over-produced sound, riffs that either blend hardcore velocity with metallic crunch or, alternatively, meld mid-paced black metal grind with punk conciseness, Faust's admirably on-target (if somewhat unexciting) drumming, and Chaos' relentless sub-agitprop sloganeering posing as lyrics. Go on, listen to this and try to count how many lines would sound good as a soundbite. 'You are the slaves of today', 'This ain't no song, this is a war', etc.

As a punked-up black metal album (or even a blackened punk album, depending on the track), it's a perfectly serviceable listen. 'Truth Won't Be Sold' is a nice, grim, grinding number, and the energetic, to-the-point riffage and breakneck solo in 'Deathpunkscumfuck' inject some vigour to proceedings. The thing is though, Darkthrone have been doing this kind of thing for a number of years now, and they have the decency not to pretend that each of their new releases is the most important and exciting thing to ever happen to music. It may be that Chaos' taste for self-promotion has scuppered this album as a result of unduly high expectations, but to be honest, even if I hadn't heard anything about it, there still isn't much to raise Gospels for the Sick far above being a distinctly average listen.


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