Scum of the Earth Blah...Blah... Blah... 2004


Scum of the Earth-Blah...Blah...Blah...Blah...

Songs for the New Millennium

Eclipse Records 2004

This is the debut project by Riggs, formerly of Rob Zombie’s touring band. He sets out to show his former employer that he can do it on his own. How did he fair? Riggs, should be slapped with a lawsuit from Mr. Z for stealing his image & taking off with his filler material! It’s like listening to B-rated Zombie material, how can Riggs sleep at night? I guess, he wasn’t planning on being asked back for another record? Everything here is what you’d find in a rob Zombie track, from the clone vocal, to the loops, samples, guitar tones, but on generic level. Riggs is so hard up for material that he also, borrowed from Queen, he calls it "Pornstarchampion." I call it "We Will Rock You." I must say, I’d rather listen to the Warrant version than this. The only track with any thread of originality is the track called "Little Spider," and that didn’t move me either. So you ask, is there anything you liked about this record? Well, there is, I like the enhanced portion of the cd. They have this program called UMIXIT, which gives you the ability to play around with these tracks. That’s a big thumbs up. Why for this record? I played around with it and I improved the songs. I’ll pull a Riggs & rename the record "The Sound of White Noise." In closing I think that the Rob Zombie fans "might" enjoy the record, for the simple fact, that he doesn’t stray too far from the formula that Rob uses to write & record his music.