SE Electronics 'The Egg' active monitors


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK

My friend, who works at Digital Village, was invited along to an SE Electronics expo yesterday. He came home singing their praises. They A/B'd these with some high end Genelecs, and they smoked them (... apparently).

Anyway, thought the concept was interesting. Video is worth a watch.
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Generally speaking SE products have been a huge let-down for me, though I've pretty much just used their mics. And smoking high end Genelecs (I suppose we're talking about the 8050's here and not the more expensive mids and mains) is something to take with a grain of salt, since Genelecs have a very distuingishable sound (yes yes yes, all monitors are more or less flat and so on, but if you disagree here, you either haven't worked on Genelecs or you're deaf :lol:) that not everyone likes. They're definitely good monitors, but I for one can't work on them and really don't feel comfortable with them.
wtf? what makes you think they would be? And how does being less than $500 make them not worth bothering with? :lol:
I'm not sure about the US price, but over here they're currently £1,299, which is roughly $2000
If they're </= $500 i cannot be arsed.

you mean $500< ? But yeah, in general not interested in the product. According to the PDF on the website it has a 165mm woofer, so I guess that's like ~6.5"?

Generally speaking SE products have been a huge let-down for me, though I've pretty much just used their mics.

Which mics have you used? Apparently not this one? "SE Electronics RNR1 Active Ribbon Studio Microphone - designed and built by Mr. Rupert Neve and SE Electronics."
Only now watched the video. Basically, what he said in the seven and a half minutes was "I read in a book that an egg-shaped speaker would be cool. I then had my son make SE a 3D model of an egg. We were all blown away. It's actually one of the best speakers in the world."

that was exaclty what I was thinking while watching the interview. worst product selling ever
I like the mics I've used.

I don't mean they're bad mics sound-wise by any means. In fact, I personally don't think a bad sounding mic exists, the "worst" mic ever can be perfect for some uses. Hey, an NS10 woofer wired backwards works wonders on a kick drum, so... :)

I was just never really excited about the mics I've used, and some have had some really strange design details. I remember this one LDC (no idea of the model, I rarely pay much attention to such details when I'm at a studio and swapping mics around when the clock is ticking dollars) where the capsule was halfway inside the casing, leaving over half of the cage empty :O

And the Reflexion filter - while having it's uses on a singer/guitarist recording and such - is IMHO a horribly overpriced and hyped product for what it really is.

That being said, I'm definitely not bashing these monitors since I haven't even heard them (and probably never will). I'm just reflecting on past experiences with the company's other products. And considering the price, there's already some really good monitors in the price range.
I might demo these just to see what they're like. I have 0 desire to move from my current monitors but it would be interesting to see what else is out there.