Sean Flanegan


Sep 7, 2002
I was upset when Craddick left, but this guy can play. I especially enjoy the beats he makes up with the toms. He can make some really cool sounding rhythms on those toms. Anybody else feel this way?
Well I gotta say I was really sad when I read earlier this year that Paul had left Enchant ! :OMG:

However, I was sure and I can't explain how, that Doug, Ted & Ed picked the perfect man !

In my opinion, I think his drumming is ok for this record which mainly required groove and power !

Sometimes Sean's drumming reminds me of John Bonham (what a kick drum sound man !) :headbang:

This gives me the opportunity to give Thumbs up to Sean ! You've done great work here man and I can't wait till the next record ! keep on drumming man

Ze Dan - ICQ 98336463
Thanks for the kind words guys!

I had a great time recording the record and I am glad that you enjoy my playing. We are starting to write for the new one, so stay tuned!!

Thanks again!:)
Originally posted by Sean
Thanks for the kind words guys!

We are starting to write for the new one, so stay tuned!!

Thanks again!:)

You are already writing material for a new album ??????????????????????????????????????

HOLY COW :eek:

You guys are insane!!... so what kind of direction do you want to take with this new album... I think the 'bit heavier' direction with this one was PERFECT, and more of the same would be huge!

Where do I start here?

OK no reason to be sad about Paul first off. He is doing well and happy to be doing his thing. Although we all miss him and not only because he is amazing but a very good friend. By the way, anyone that missed it please see the post Flanders Rocks. Thats Pauls take and a good one! I could write a simular one being that I am the bassist and would probably know better than anyone! I would not have enough room to list all the good things about either of them! They are Red and Blue? you cann,t even begin to compare the two.

You guys that wrote in here supporting Sean are really the best! This is the kind of thing that really makes a differance! Really! negative feedback about changes in line-ups and gloom and doomers don,t do anybody any good. I have seen a few of those as well? not here this is cool, but there will always be changes!

Look at Spocks Beard? how would anyone fill that spot?

So once again everyone on this post! very cool! and your right this man rocks! Wait til we get a little time under our belts with this rythmym section! look out! :D we have not even begun to light it up!

Yes we are working on new stuff now, time flies hah, yes it is a good direction and who knows it may just be heavier???? :cool: you will have to wait and see?

Thanks again guys you Rock.