Searching for the heaviest band ever

Just realized now, it's gonna be hard to compare bands I've seen in concerts probably months or even years apart. They should have a concert where Wormed, Electric Wizard, and Sunn O))) all play so I can make an accurate comparison.
I just can't get into the squealing pig grunt death vocals. If you could transpose Nile's vocals over the vocals of Wormed, that would be a truly great band.
I disagree with Wormed being the heaviest. Electric Wizard has always sounded the heaviest to me in mp3 form, heavier than Sunn O))), but I've heard the only way to enjoy Sunn O))) is live, so when I see Wormed, Electric Wizard, and Sunn O))) live, I guess I'll have a more accurate opinion. Damn Mp3s and their compression.
I've seen EW live and imo Thee Plague of Gentlemen was heavier then them live (but EW is probably heavier on album). Haven't seen Sunn tho but a friend that has said that the EW gig we went to was heavier so Thee Plague of Gentlemen was probably the heaviest live act when they were active. Atleast from my perspective. :>
Direct quote from Jesus himself 'taranchula is without a doubt the heaviest of the blackened ice glacier castle metal. When I listen to them coffins shoot out of my floor and and my beard freezes into icicles'