Sebastien Live Vid

Yeah this is definitely live. Great song!

This is about what Tony Martin sounds like nowadays because he can't hit the high notes anymore. I've always liked his voice and his tone, but I always wondered why you never see him really knocking it out live. On the Sabbath albums (except Forbidden), he sounds just unbelievable but live he just never came close to doing it the same. Maybe that's why Iommi has a sour tone whenever the subject of Martin comes up.

Still, 'The Eternal Idol' through 'Cross Purposes' are just great if you haven't heard them.
This doesn't sound real almost. Does Tony Martin sound this good live? This sounds like a studio take surely. If it's really live it's bloody amazing! Roland's solo is awesome as well.

Sounds excellent indeed. Tony Martin sounds very good except he doesn't even try the higher notes. I'm also asking myself how he can still be so good and still able to sing high in the studio, but never live...