Secret (naughty) Confessions.........

OK, this is for real. I don't want any grief 'cuz Misstress Maiden asked for confessions and I must obey. (pause, deep breath.......whew) OK, here goes. I've been chatting with you all for a while and now the truth must come out. :erk: ...I kinda....NO! I really like that Christina Haguillera song "beautiful", I mean, damn, she has an exceptional voice. Too bad she's getting all Brittany in the head. :erk: :blush: :blush:

(now I must shelter myself within J-Lo's finest qualities)
My husband loves SPAM. I'll eat some if he cooks it, but that's after he picks it out at the store, because I've never bought it on my own, either. Seeing the can bring back memories of being frozen and soaking wet (from rain) while camping.

I've never had it with eggs though. He makes it on a toasted sandwich with cheese and lots of mayo.
Alright.....not many confessions....I got a good one I'm proud of...hehe.

1997, Kuwait City, 1st Cavalry Division, I was 18 and snuck over to the Medical Division of my unit and met up with two girl"friends" of mine with a bottle of weird liquid I bought at the Kuwait black market. (The guy said "Good like vodka". So I bought it.) We killed half the bottle and felt nothing. Then we just started chatting. Next thing I knew, all three of us were smashed and my medic girls were making out with each other and smiling at me. We did it in the tent AND the Humm-Vee. An occassion that will NEVER be fogotten....

How's that, Maiden?
I'm kinda new to this message board...anybody ever post thier pics? That would be a good thread. I'd like to see what Metal Maiden and Crystal Palace look like.

Oh yeah... I like cookies, Maiden....ROFL
And now my computer is broken at home, video card died, and of course, it's integrated onto the mother board, so I don't have a working computer now. I have to get a new pci slot video card, or get a new computer. So no new pictures for awhile.